Militant Leadership Monitor – August 2013 Issue

The August Issue of Militant Leadership Monitor is a special issue. The report begins with two briefs by Nicholas A. Heras on Bin Laden aide Ramzi Mahmud al-Muwafi and Syrian YPG Commander Sipan Hemo, respectively. The following two profiles come from Eurasia Daily Monitor regular contributors Valery Dzutsev with a post-mortem sketch of Khasanbi Fakov from the North Caucasus, and Mark Vinson with a look at Tajikistan’s Amriddin Tabrov. Nicholas Heras follows with a snapshot of Syrian opposition commander Osama Juneidi. Jacob Zenn comes next with a profile of Shaykh Abu Wardah Santoso, Indonesia’s most prominent militant. Stefano Maria Torelli provides a profile of Ansar al-Shari’a Tunisia leader Abu Iyad al-Tunisi. The issue concludes with a overview of the past and current leadership of Yemen’s Houthis by Ludovico Carlino.