Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

SBU Targets Opposition in Ukraine
There is mounting evidence that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has returned to tactics targeting the opposition last employed under President, Leonid Kuchma. It should be borne in mind that these tactics were never entirely abandoned. The SBU’s domestic political role has remained because... MORE

Moscow Seeks Political Allies in Moldova Ahead of Referendum and Elections
The crash of Moldova’s experiment with a parliamentary system of government (EDM, August 6), predictable though it was, could not have occurred at a worse time for the country. When this experiment had first collapsed in 2000, Moldova still had a margin for error at... MORE

Turkish Civilian-Military Relations Overhauled
The recent Supreme Military Council (YAS) meeting served as an additional showdown between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the country’s military leadership. When the four-day long YAS meeting ended on August 4, it failed to fill key posts, raising questions about the future... MORE

Colleagues of Murdered Rights Activists Mark Anniversary of Death
On August 10, members of NGO’s, rights activists, journalists and friends of Zarema Sadullaeva and Alik Dzhabrailov gathered for a small ceremony of remembrance in Grozny. Unidentified law enforcement members led Sadullaeva and Dzhabrailov out of their office in Grozny on August 10, 2009. The... MORE

Pakistan’s Bajaur Agency Emerges as New Hub for Islamist Militancy
The Bajaur Tribal Agency in northwest Pakistan continues to be a hotbed of militancy despite being officially declared a “conflict free zone” by the Pakistan Army. Bajaur Agency has been under Taliban control since May 2007. The Pakistani military launched its first anti-Taliban operation in... MORE

Muhammad Amin: Imam Shamil’s Naib to the Circassians in the Northwest Caucasus
Muhammad (Asiyalo) Amin ibn Hajjio al-Honodi al-Daghestani, Shamil's third naib, was the most significant deputy of the imam in the Northwest Caucasus in the mid 19th century. He occupied an important role in Circassian social, religious and political life for more than a decade (1848-1859),... MORE

Tajik Police Detain Islamic School Leader and Students
On August 1, police in Tajikistan detained Mavlavi Abduqahor, the leader of an unregistered Islamic school in the Rudaki district south of Dushanbe, along with about 70 of his students. According to Tajikistan’s Islamic Revival Party (IRPT), the religious leader and some of his students... MORE

Major Overhaul of the North Caucasus’ Transit System is Postponed
Russian Transportation Minister, Igor Levitin, toured the North Caucasian republics from July 31 to August 3. During that visit he announced several highway reconstruction projects, and unveiled plans for consolidation of the air transport industry in the North Caucasus. At the same time, however, he... MORE

Upcoming Referendum Seeks to Overcome Moldova’s Constitutional Crisis
Serially recurring and failing parliamentary and presidential elections have fed rivalries within Moldova’s governing Alliance for European Integration (AEI). The upcoming constitutional referendum on September 5, to be followed by new general elections, can only bring the AEI closer to its end.The four parties had... MORE

Communist Strength Slowly Waning Ahead of Moldovan Referendum and Elections
Moldova is headed for a constitutional referendum on September 5, to be followed by yet another round of double elections, parliamentary and presidential. It will be the third round of double elections (or fourth electoral round, counting the referendum) in just 19 months. Intractable rivalries... MORE