Latest Articles about Economics

World Economic Crisis Drags Armenia into Recession

The global economic crisis is taking an increasingly heavy toll on Armenia, forcing its government to devalue the national currency, cut budgetary spending, and seek hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign assistance. With no end to the worldwide downturn in sight, the Armenian economy... MORE

Russian Anti-Crisis Policy Is Adrift Without Direction

Russia took part in two different economic forums last weekend where conflicting propositions for overcoming the global crisis were advanced. Moscow had little to contribute to any course. Finance ministers of the G20 gathered in Horsham, UK, to prepare the agenda for the summit of... MORE

Economic Problems Beset Belarus

To date, there has been little other than optimistic prognoses from Belarusian government circles about the state of the economy. Unlike the situation in neighboring states, Belarus is not facing recession, and economic growth continues. Moreover, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has assured citizens of government protection,... MORE

New Directions in China’s Health Sector Reform

The State Council of the People's Republic of China (PRC) approved a proposal for a new round of health sector reforms (HSRs) on January 21. The policy paper, "Guiding opinions for further reforming medical and pharmaceutical system," is the blueprint for Beijing's renewed efforts toward... MORE

Yushchenko, Tymoshenko Pledge Reforms in Letter to IMF

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have managed to set their differences aside and agree on a reform package in an effort to save the economy from imminent collapse. Yushchenko and Tymoshenko agreed on March 2 on the content of a letter... MORE

Economic Catastrophe Propels Russia into an Identity Crisis

The economic crisis is affecting Russia worse than most developed or emerging economies, but its direct impact, such as the recession in industry that is expected to become even more serious in February, is multiplied by the psychological shock from the sudden collapse of belief... MORE