Latest Articles about Energy

Turkey Is Optimistic About Nabucco as Budapest Summit Approaches

In the midst of the gas transit row between Russia and Ukraine and discussions on diversifying the continent’s energy supplies, Turkey is pleased to see an opportunity for itself. Turkey is seeking a mediating role in the diplomatic standoff between Russia and Ukraine. Following his... MORE

Russian-Ukrainian Gas Crisis Fuelled by National Identity

Western media coverage of the latest Ukrainian-Russian gas crisis has largely ignored the national identity component of the conflict, and yet this is the main factor fuelling poor relations between Ukraine and Russia. Inter-elite corruption in the energy sector comes second to national identity issues.... MORE

Ukrainian Law Bars Transferring Ownership of the Gas Transit System

Gaining some form of control over Ukraine’s state-owned gas transit system has been a constant objective of Russian policy since the 1990s. That 30-year-old system’s worn-out condition, its mismanagement, and the insolvency of its operator Naftohaz Ukrainy are providing Gazprom with a wide opening to... MORE

Russia’s Gas Disinformation Game

Disinformation operations, as every former KGB operative knows, can be an invaluable tool in winning a war. “Deza,” as it is called by the old boys who once worked on Dzerzhinsky Square in Moscow, is an art meant to be used carefully by professionals; otherwise... MORE

Russia Hiding Gas Shortfall by Touting Multiple Export Routes

Russia is using the gas supply crisis, which it has itself triggered, to induce a contest among consumer countries over imports of Russian natural gas. Russian-produced gas has become a commodity in short supply when measured against Russia’s internal requirements and its existing export commitments.... MORE

Uncertain German Perspectives on Energy Relations with Russia

Beyond the energy sector itself, natural gas induces structural dependency at the macroeconomic level. The pipeline mode of delivery is based on long-term contracts, locking in the predominant share of the German market for Russia. The spot market for natural gas, which could provide an... MORE