Latest Articles about Military/Security

Moscow and Dushanbe Strengthen Their Military Alliance

The lower house of Tajikistan’s parliament ratified on October 1 a long-delayed deal to extend the presence of Russia’s military base (the former 201st division) in Tajikistan until 2042. The deal will now have to be ratified by the upper house and signed by the... MORE

Space and Robotic Technology: the Kremlin’s Final Frontier?

Russia’s deputy prime minister tasked with overseeing the defense industry, Dmitry Rogozon, is also billed as the country’s “space Tsar,” and he is presently turning his attention to large-scale sectorial reorganization to boost the Russian space sector’s competitiveness. On October 9, Rogozin briefed his close... MORE

Kabardino-Balkaria’s Crackdown on Rebels and Their Relatives Likely to Boomerang

Police in Kabardino-Balkaria conducted operations against the armed resistance and took preventive measures to foil terrorist attacks in the republic throughout the month of September ( the start of October, a young man was killed in Kabardino-Balkaria’s Baksan district. According to police, he was driving... MORE

Why China Wants the Su-35

A senior executive at Russia’s state arms export company, Rosoboronexport, has said that Russia will sign a contract to sell the advanced Su-35 jet to China in 2014, while confirming that the deal is not on track to be finished in 2013 (RIA Novosti, September... MORE