Latest Articles about State Owned Enterprises

Government Cracks Down on SOEs but Runs Risks
Executive Summary: The Supreme People’s Court and Central Government Regulators have put State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) on notice for fraudulent accounting practices, releasing five case studies to name and shame bad actors. The Central government made clear SOE fraud carries both economic risk and reputational risk... MORE

Comac’s Homegrown Aircraft Goes Global
Executive Summary: The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) will likely take many years developing into a veritable world-class aircraft enterprise. Over 1,200 orders have been placed for the new C919, primarily from domestic state-owned airlines. Comac has delivered 5 single-aisle planes to domestic airlines... MORE

Exploring the Domestic Foundations of Chinese Economic Sanctions: The Case of Australia
More than two years have passed since the People’s Republic of China (PRC) began imposing a broad range of restrictions on Australian trade in what is widely regarded to be a campaign of economic coercion. Despite the apparent sanctions affecting numerous Australian export industries with... MORE

Economic Woes Worsen as Support for Xi Jinping’s Leadership Begins to Falter
The relentless cascade of bad economic news in China has not only cast doubt on the governance ability of the Xi Jinping leadership, but has also called into question the long-term viability of the Chinese economic model, which stresses maintaining party-state control of the market... MORE