Latest Briefs

Islamic State Reorganizes in Libya

In August 2017, months after the group was pushed out of its former Libyan stronghold of Sirte, the Islamic State (IS) made a comeback in Libya. Reorganizing in a number of areas in southern Libya and around Sirte, IS has shown that its presence in... MORE

Ata Ullah Leads Rohingya Insurgents in Myanmar

On August 25, in what has been described as a “Tet Offensive” styled attack, Ata Ullah, the Emir of Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), led an estimated 1,000 militants in a simultaneous attack on 24 police posts and army bases in Myanmar’s Rakhine state (The... MORE

Bangladesh: Abu Shofiq al Bengali Pledges Allegiance to Islamic State

As Bangladesh’s security forces unleashed a fresh anti-terror operation, operation “Tepid Punch,” targeting militant safe havens in the country in early July, new signs of Islamic State’s (IS) shadowy presence in the country emerged. On July 5, an Islamic State (IS) supporter identifying himself as... MORE

Al-Assad’s Man in Suwayda: A Look at Rashid Salloum

Over the past month, Russia, Jordan and the United States began to implement a de-escalation zone in the southwestern Syrian governorates of Dara'a and al-Quneitra. The de-escalation zone agreement, which is between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) loyal to the al-Assad government and the armed... MORE