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March 2012 Briefs

INTELLIGENCE LEADS ATS TO BIHAR IN SEARCH OF INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN’S YASIN BHATKAL India’s anti-terrorism squad (ATS) picked up clues about the location of the operational leader of the Indian Mujahideen (IM), Ahmed Zarar Siddibappa (alias Yasin Bhatkal or Shah Rukh), who masterminded the July 13,... MORE

January 2012 BRIEFS

ABU SHEKAU ISSUES VIDEO MESSAGE TO NIGERIAN PRESIDENT Abu Shekau, the leader of the Jama’atu Ahlis Sunnati Lidda’awati Wal Jihad, popularly known as Boko Haram, issued a message on YouTube on January 11, 2012 addressed “to the President of Nigeria, Jonathan, who has come out... MORE


AFGHANISTAN’S TALIBAN DECLARE VICTORY AS PEACE INITIATIVES GET UNDER WAY The opening of an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan office in Qatar as the first step in a Qatar-backed Afghan reconciliation process has been interpreted by the Taliban as a sign of the movement’s “victory” in... MORE


STRUGGLE BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH SUDAN INCREASINGLY TIED TO PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT In late December, South Sudan president Salva Kiir made a state visit to Israel, meeting with President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. The visit... MORE

December 2011 BRIEFS

DISSIDENT SOUTH SUDAN LEADER KILLED IN INTERNECINE CLASH Lieutenant General George Athor Deng, a dissident South Sudanese military veteran figure, was killed in a clash with the newly formed Republic of South Sudan’s border forces on December 19-though the exact date, location, and circumstances vary... MORE


SALAFISTS TARGET WORKS OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS Egypt’s Salafist parties, which did surprisingly well in the first round of parliamentary elections with 24% of the vote, have tried hard to present themselves as compatible with modern norms, so long as they fit the moral standards... MORE


SYRIAN OPPOSITION STATEMENTS DISAGREE ON APPROACHES TO RESISTANCE The Syrian revolt against the Assad regime has been particularly intense in the city of Homs, as has been the regime’s violent response. Homs-based opposition leader and self-described “field coordinator of the revolution in Homs” Husayn Iryan... MORE

October 2011 BRIEFS

LASHKAR-E-ISLAM LEADER TERRORIZES KHYBER AGENCY Mangal Bagh, the warlord-leader of the militant group Lashkar-e-Islam (LeI) has been putting fear into the residents of Khyber Agency, one of the seven constituent regions comprising the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) wedged between eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa... MORE


IRGC COMMANDER DESCRIBES IRANIAN VICTORY OVER KURDISH INSURGENTS The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corp maintains that it was the Guards’ ability to confront Kurdish guerrillas on their own terms that led to an apparent defeat of the Partiya Jiyana Azad a Kurdistane (Party... MORE


TALIBAN REJECT AMERICAN PERCEPTIONS OF THE HAQQANI-ISI RELATIONSHIP Following a series of high-level meetings between American and Pakistani security and military figures related to the operations of the notorious Haqqani Network in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region, the leadership of the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan... MORE