Latest Briefs


MAGISTRATE RELEASES AUSTRALIAN JIHADI’S TERRORISM MANUAL A federal judge in the South Australian city of Adelaide has ordered the public release of a handwritten manual of terrorist and guerrilla techniques compiled by convicted terrorist David Hicks. The former Guantanamo Bay inmate served five years without... MORE

Jihad Wants You: al-Qaeda Seeks Skilled Recruits in Iraq

In another example of jihadist media use, internet forum participants posted instructions for Muslims craving a role in the Iraqi insurgency. Iraqi jihadis issued a call for skilled assistance in strengthening their self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) (, December 11, 2007). In this al-Qaeda-associated... MORE


KURDISH REBEL LEADER REACHES OUT TO ARABS, THREATENS ISRAEL Last week a London-based Arabic-language internet daily carried an interview with Fehman Hussein, a Syrian Kurd and long-time PKK militant who now leads the Hezen Parastina Gel (People’s Defense Force, or HPG), the armed wing of... MORE


BOSNIAN GENERAL RELEASES BOOK ON FOREIGN MUJAHIDEEN General Hasan Efendic, a former officer of the Yugoslav National Army and the first commander of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-95), has released a new book on the foreign mujahideen who fought on... MORE

Iraqi Jihadi Offers Online Lessons on Ambush Techniques

As part of the military, intelligence and religious information exchanged through Iraqi jihadist internet forums, one jihadi recently posted a training lesson for militants in the battlefield entitled “Allurement is a technique mastered by the enemy.” The posting offers methods of luring U.S. forces into... MORE


LEADER OF UZBEK MILITANTS CALLS FOR JIHAD IN PAKISTAN Tahir Yuldash, leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), has called for jihad against the government of Pakistan from his refuge in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). In a video recording believed to have... MORE

Jihadis Analyze U.S. Plans to Evacuate Forces from Iraq

Since the beginning of the year, jihadi internet forums have carried many postings concerning the future of U.S. forces in Iraq and American plans to change the current military/political status quo in Iraq. These postings come despite a declaration from Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki... MORE