Latest Briefs
Secret Camps Offer Operational Courses in Jihad Tactics
An interesting recent posting on the Abu al-Bokhary jihadi forum ( provides some useful insight about the current conditions and the priorities in the training of mujahideen. The anonymous author of a "Basic Course for Beginners in Secret Mujahideen Camps," describes a "five day course... MORE
Anbar Revenge Brigade Makes Progress in the Fight Against al-Qaeda
The Anbar Revenge Brigade, an armed group of Sunni tribal elements, announced earlier this month that it had killed five of al-Qaeda's top members operating in Iraq. In an internet statement posted on an Islamic website, the group stated, "Your brothers, heroes of the Revenge... MORE

Declassified Document Outlines History of al-Qaeda Threat to the UAE
Documents from the Harmony Database recently declassified by the U.S. military includes a threat made by al-Qaeda to the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The text is significant since it places the series of warnings against the UAE during the last year... MORE
…as Egyptian Mujahideen Face Ideological Attrition
In addition to the logistical difficulties in Egypt's strict security environment, the mujahideen are also facing ideological attrition. Egypt's Islamist militant parties are proving troublesome for al-Qaeda. Last July, the Gama'a Islamiyya and al-Jihad group openly accused al-Qaeda in Iraq of having as its aim... MORE
Possible Terrorist Attack Foiled in Egypt…
A brief message posted on the Tajdeed forum (since taken off the web) calls attention to the position of Egypt in the global jihad. On March 7, one signing himself "The Banner of Truth" posted a cryptically short note concerning what he termed the "Al-Kinana... MORE
New Islamist Group Claims Responsibility for India Attacks
A previously unknown radical Islamist militant group, Lashkar-e-Qahar (Army of the Conquerors), claimed responsibility for the deadly series of bomb attacks in India on March 7 that struck Varanasi's Sankat Mochan temple—one of Hinduism's holiest sites in Hinduism's holiest city—and Cantonment Railway Station. The attacks... MORE
Pakistan’s Madrassas Provide Safe Haven for al-Qaeda Militants
The early March raid against al-Qaeda militants hiding in towns in northern Pakistan, which included the destruction of a madrassa, could raise questions about the continued use of these seminaries for terrorists in the region (Dawn, March 8). On March 7, Pakistani security forces in... MORE
Stand-Off in Yemen: The al-Zindani Case
The war on terrorism is fought in Yemen in the press and courtrooms as well as in the mountains and deserts. Yemen’s president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, is a veteran political survivor, but a tug-of-war with the U.S. over a leading opposition figure accused of supporting... MORE
Al-Zawahiri Takes Hamas to Task
On March 4, al-Jazeera satellite TV broadcast a 20-minute clip of Ayman al-Zawahiri commenting on the latest international events (al-Jazeera, March 4). In his talk, the man most often referred to as "al-Qaeda's number two" attempts to make capital of the crisis concerning Danish cartoons... MORE
Iraqi Mujahideen Incite Further Sectarian Violence
The Islamic Iraqi Resistance Front (al-Jabha al-Islamiyya lil-Muqawama al-Iraqiyya, JAMI) on February 22 reprinted on their website ( a statement—allegedly issued by the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a major Iraqi Shiite group—calling for Iraqi Shiites to stand firm and united in... MORE