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Manezkha Redeux? Budanov Murder May Spark Nationalist Backlash

By Valery Dzutsev On June 10, former Colonel Yuri Budanov was gunned down in Moscow. His murder is expected to galvanize Russian nationalists. Already flowers were reportedly taken to the scene of the murder, and nationalist activists are reportedly planning a flash-mob type of action... MORE

Georgia Thwarts Another Russian-Sponsored Coup Attempt

By David Iberi On May 26, 2011, the day Georgia celebrates its Independence Day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs made public a phone conversation, or a recording on some other electronic device, between Nino Burjanadze and her son, Anzor Bitsadze, that took place some time... MORE

Kyrgyz MPs Exorcise Demons by Slaughtering Sheep

By Erica MaratTired of continuous showdowns that threaten to disintegrate the ruling coalition, Kyrgyz MPs decided to sacrifice seven sheep in front of the parliament building. According to local traditions, offering the blood of a slaughtered sheep expels devils that a human being is not... MORE

U.S. Image in Central Asia

By Erica MaratNearly half of the Central Asian population shares a favorable view of U.S. global leadership, the latest Gallup survey shows.Ironically, approval rating in Kyrgyzstan, where the United States has a transit base servicing the war in Afghanistan, is the lowest within Central Asia.... MORE

Otunbayeva’s Courage Recognized in Washington

By Erica MaratKyrgyzstan President Roza Otunbayeva’s visit to Washington, DC on March 6-8 exceeded expectations. On March 7 Otunbayeva held an unplanned meeting with President Barak Obama. This marked the second meeting between the two presidents in less than six months.Obama made an impromptu appearance... MORE

Elections Not a Smooth Ride for Nazarbayev

By Erica MaratPresident Nursultan Nazarbayev might have thought out his strategy carefully before scheduling snap elections on April 3, but the leader is underestimating the role media and social networks will play during the election campaign.Kazakhstan’s media landscape has changed since Nazarbayev last ran for... MORE

Khodorkovsky Faces Kremlin

By Erica MaratOn February 20 for roughly 30 minutes, a large banner featuring images of the imprisoned former CEO of Russian energy giant Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin hung facing the Kremlin until Moscow police took it down. The interesting aspect of... MORE