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Russia Intensifying Annexation of Georgian Territories

By David IberiOn September 29, 2010, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia made a statement accusing the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) troops stationed in the occupied Georgian province of Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia of conducting “illegal ‘border demarcation works,’” which will “further limit free... MORE

Georgian, Russian Churches at Odds over Sovereignty Issue

By David IberiOn September 19, 2010, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill I, sent a letter to Eduard Kokoity, a Russian-appointed leader of the occupied Georgian province of Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia. Congratulating Kokoity on the 20th anniversary of the “Republic of South... MORE

Obama meets with Otunbayeva

By Erica MaratKyrgyz president Roza Otunbayeva had a busy schedule during her visit to the U.S. for the Millennium Challenge Goals summit that took place in New York last week. The president held over 60 official meetings, over 30 of which were with heads of... MORE

Viktor Yanukovych’s Domestic and International Honeymoon is Over

By Taras KuzioPresident Viktor Yanukovych’s honeymoon with Ukraine’s voters is over – as is, judging by growing criticism from abroad, his honeymoon with the West. The Ukrainian-American Diaspora refused to meet with him during his visit to New York to attend the opening of the... MORE

Georgia Seeks International Condemnation of Ethnic Cleansing on Its Territory

By David IberiOn September 15-20, Chairman of Georgian Parliament David Bakradze had important meetings in Washington, DC with high-ranking officials in U.S. Congress and the Obama Administration. As reported in the media, Bakradze discussed various aspects of Georgian-American relations, ranging from his country’s security concerns... MORE

Georgia’s Modernization and Its Critics

By David IberiPresident Mikheil Saakashvili’s government recently inaugurated a new project aimed at making English a second language in Georgia, which is seen by many Georgian analysts as a linguistic revolution. At the core of this ambitious undertaking is a plan to bring to Georgia... MORE

Tweeting Their Way Through Election Campaigns

By Erica MaratIf there is any visible change in pre-elections Kyrgyzstan, it is the growing number of Kyrgyz politicians relying on online social networks. As political campaigns for the October 10 parliamentary elections informally began shortly after the constitutional referendum in June, over a dozen... MORE

Utility of the UN Vote on Georgian IDPs

By David IberiOn September 7, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution submitted by Georgia on the Status of the Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia. Tbilisi promptly issued a statement hailing the UN decision... MORE

Orange Revolution Erased from Ukrainian School Textbooks

By Taras KuzioAn analysis and interview with textbook author and historian Viktor Mysan published in Ukrayinska Pravda reveals the ideological orientation of the Ukrainian authorities who came to power in February. During the preceding five years, Viktor Yanukovych had never accepted the legitimacy of the... MORE