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Georgia’s Anti-Occupation Strategy Gains More International Support

By Giorgi KvelashviliAs the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was visiting the United States to discuss with President Barack Obama relations between the two countries, the Office of the White House Press Secretary issued on June 24 the statement, “U.S.-Russia Relations: ‘Reset’ Fact Sheet.” In it,... MORE

Medvedev Tweets Live as He Visits Silicon Valley

By Erica MaratAs Russian president Dmitry Medvedev visited Apple, Twitter and Cisco headquarters during his visit to the United States, he began to ‘tweet’ live. Twitter is a social networking and blogging site used by over 100 million worldwide.Among Medvedev’s first followers and promoters were... MORE

Has Lukashenko’s Fortune Turned?

By Jiri KominekThe latest “gas war” involving Gazprom, and this time Minsk rather than Kyiv, appears to have more to do with the Kremlin attempting to reign in the renegade Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukahsenka (Alexander Lukashenko) as a subordinate of Moscow than with unpaid gas... MORE

President Yanukovych and Separatism

By Taras KuzioAt his ‘100 Day’ press conference, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said that he would not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as this violates international law. "I never recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. This would have been a... MORE

Moscow Reinforces Troop Levels in Kant Airbase in Kyrgyzstan

By Giorgi KvelashviliAs interethnic clashes are intensifying in the troubled Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan, the provisional government in Bishkek appealed on June 11 to the Russian Federation to send peacekeeping forces to help restore law and order in the southern part of the country.The... MORE

Bloodshed in Kyrgyzstan’s South

By Erica MaratWhat began as a spat between Kyrgyz and Uzbek youngsters in one of the local clubs on the night of June 10 turned into one of the worst bloodsheds in Kyrgyzstan’s history. Kyrgyz media report 37 dead and over 300 injured as a... MORE

Is Gazprom Losing its Point?

By Jiri KominekA combination of factors, including technological advances, the global gas glut, and suppliers looking to do business elsewhere suggests that Gazprom’s days as the world’s largest gas supplier could be numbered, in addition to its position as the spearhead of Russian foreign policy.In... MORE

Lithuania’s Support Can Galvanize Georgian Diplomacy

By Giorgi KvelashviliOn June 1, the Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, passed a resolution towards Georgia that can be seen as a precedent for other countries and an opportunity for Tbilisi to reinvigorate its diplomatic efforts. Lithuania has long been one of Georgia’s strongest supporters in NATO,... MORE