Latest Media Appearances
CNN Quotes Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn
Jacob Zenn was quoted in an article on Boko Haram, the Nigerian terrorist organization.
Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn Writes Op-Ed for All Africa
Jacob Zenn wrote an op-ed for All Africa on May 2, which discussed Boko Haram's connection with al-Qaeda.
USA Today Quotes Jacob Zenn
Jamestown analyst Jacob Zenn was quoted in an background article on Boko Haram, the Nigerian militant organization, by USA Today.
Nicholas Heras Interviewed on Background Briefing
Jamestown analyst Nicholas Heras discussed the political and military stalemate in Syria on Background Briefing with Ian Masters, a nationally syndicated radio program.
New York Times Quotes Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor
Vladimir Socor was quoted in an article on the fuel reserves that are Russia after the annexation of Crimea.
Jacob Zenn Interviewed by RFI (French)
Jacob Zenn, Jamestown analyst, was recently interviewed by RFI about Boko Haram.
Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn on BBC Radio
Jacob Zenn discussed whether or not the Nigerian government will negotiate with Boko Haram on BBC World Service Radio.
Nicholas Heras Appeared on Arise TV
Jamestown analyst Nicholas Heras discussed recent developments in Syria on "Arise Review" on Arise TV.
Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn interviewed on Andrew Mitchell Reports on MSNBC
African Affairs analyst Jacob Zenn appeared on Andrea Mitchell Reports for an interview on the background of Boko Haram and what makes them so dangerous.
Jacob Zenn Quoted by NBC News on Boko Haram
Jamestown analyst Jacob Zenn was quoted in an article by NBC News on possible negotiations with Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram for the more than 250 schoolgirls that were abducted.