Latest Media Appearances
Taipei Times reports on Jamestown article by Parris Chang
The Taipei Times, a Taiwanese English-language newspaper, reported on recent analysis of the PRC's influence in Taiwanese politics by Parris Chang.
Timothy Heath’s Analysis of Military Reform Covered by PRC and Taiwan Media
A recent article by Timothy Heath analyzing the role of ideological debate in Chinese military reform was used as the basis for articles in China's official Xinhua news agency and Taiwan's WantChinaTimes.
Willy Lam Cited by Australia’s Lowy Foundation
A recent article by Jamestown Senior Fellow Willy Lam on the emergence of a new faction surrounding Chinese President Xi Jinping was the basis for a post on the Lowy Foundation's blog, the Lowy Interpreter.
Nicholas A. Heras cited by Commentary Magazine
Nicholas A. Heras was cited by Commentary Magazine in an article titled "It's Not Just Regime vs. Al-Qaeda in Syria"
Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor’s Analysis Cited by The Economist Blog
On February 10, the Economist blog on Eastern Europe, "Eastern Approaches," quoted Jamestown Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor's EDM article on the recent Russian-Hungarian nuclear energy deal. Mr. Socor's original article can be found here.
Jamestown Foundation President Glen E. Howard Interviewed by NBC
Jamestown Foundation President Glen E. Howard spoke to NBC News on February 7, regarding the Sochi Olympics and its impact on the Circassian people.
Wladimir van Wilgenburg cited by Radio Sawa
Wladimir van Wilgenburg was cited by Radio Sawa in an article about Kurdish parties in Iraq.
Wladimir van Wilgenburg cited by al-Hurra (copy 1)
Wladimir van Wilgenburg was cited by al-Hurra in an article about Kurdish parties in Iraq.
Jamestown Board Member Amb. Matthew Bryza Writes Op-Ed for Wall Street Journal
Jamestown board member Ambassador Matthew Bryza wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on February 5, discussing Russia's continued occupation of the Republic of Georgia, just miles from the Winter Olympics site in Sochi. Near to Sochi, Far From Free of Russia February 5,... MORE
Jamestown Analyst Maksym Bugriy Interviewed by Slovak Pravda
Jamestown Foundation Ukraine analyst Maksym Bugriy spoke to Slovak Pravda regarding the pro-EU protests in Kyiv. He was also interviewed by the Paper's Editor's blog regarding the danger of a partition of Ukraine.