Latest Media Appearances
An article by Jamestown’s Andrew McGregor on the Mombasa Republican Council was reprinted on the UNHCR website.
An article by Jamestown's Andrew McGregor on the Mombasa Republican Council was reprinted on the UNHCR website.
Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn interviewed by Toronto Star
Jamestown analyst Jacob Zenn was interviewed and featured in an article by Toronto Star.
Jamestown’s Alexandros Petersen and Raffaello Pantucci featured in the November/December hardcopy of The National Interest
An article written by Jamestown's Alexandros Petersen and Raffaello Pantucci was published in the November/December hardcopy of The National Interest China's Inadvertent <wbr></wbr>Empire. It is part of their joint project on China in Central Asia.
Jamestown Analyst Jacob Zenn Quoted in the Washington Times
Jamestown analyst Jacob Zenn was quoted in the Washington Times in an article titled "Dangerously close Islamist groups rise in Africa."
Jamestown’s Dr. Michael Chase Quoted by The Atlantic
Jamestown's Dr. Michael Chase was quoted in an article by The Atlantic on October 25 titled, "Who Should the Chinese Army Serve - The Part of the State?"
China Brief Editor Peter Mattis Published by Asia Times
An article titled "China's Need to Find a Voice" by Jamestown's China Brief Editor Peter Mattis was published by Asia Times on October 23, 2012.
Jamestown Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor cited by News.Az
Jamestown Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor was cited by News.Az in an article concerning the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
Jamestown Senior Fellow Michael Ryan Speaks on Voice of Russia
Jamestown Senior Fellow Michael Ryan discusses Benghazi consulate investigation with Voice of Russia.
Jamestown Analyst Chris Zambelis Cited in Gulf 2000 News Thread
An article by Chris Zambelis that appeared in Jamestown’s China Brief titled China and Qatar Forge a New Era of Relations around High Finance was posted by Gary G. Sick to his Gulf 2000 news thread.
Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor Cited by Azeri APA News Outlet
Jamestown's Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor was quoted by Azerbaijan's APA news outlet on October 19, discussing US policy toward Karabakh.