Latest China Brief Articles

China Makes Strides in Energy “Go-out” Strategy

In recent months, Chinese National Oil Companies (NOCs) struck four major overseas energy deals with Russia, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Venezuela for a combined value of nearly $50 billion in Chinese capital (Dow Jones News, February 17). The growing footprint and outreach of these NOCs have... MORE

The Xinjiang Crisis: A Test for Beijing’s Carrot-and-Stick Strategy

Calm has been superficially restored to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region (XAR), where an outbreak of ethnic violence on July 5 led to the death of more than 197 Han Chinese and Uighurs, according to an official count (Xinhua News Agency, July 18). Chinese Communist Party... MORE

Hu Confers Hardliner Top Military Rank

Beijing instituted a new round of personnel changes among the top-ranking officers of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and its general departments. According to official state-media, Central Military Commission (CMC) Chairman and PRC President Hu Jintao conferred three senior military officers the rank of general... MORE

The Net Revolution: Chinese Netizens vs. Green Dam

Celebrations that Beijing has bowed to global pressure and scrapped an order to use filtering software in all personal computers have turned out to be premature. On July 1, a Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) spokesman said that while Beijing had, on June... MORE