Latest China Brief Articles

New Directions in China’s Health Sector Reform

The State Council of the People's Republic of China (PRC) approved a proposal for a new round of health sector reforms (HSRs) on January 21. The policy paper, "Guiding opinions for further reforming medical and pharmaceutical system," is the blueprint for Beijing's renewed efforts toward... MORE

China’s Palestine Policy

The geopolitics of China’s rise and its implications for the Arab world and wider Middle East is a topic for serious debate.  Currently, China’s Middle East strategy revolves around shoring up its energy security and tapping consumer markets and investment opportunities for Chinese businesses.  Given... MORE

China’s Views on NATO Expansion: A Secondary National Interest

The eastward expansion of membership and enlargement of missions undertaken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) over the past decade push a lot of sensitive buttons in China’s national security policy. These sensitivities include long-standing opposition to the enlargement of military blocs and strengthening... MORE

Towing the Party Line on Free Speech

In recent years, party officials in the People's Republic of China (PRC) have been uncharacteristically bold in speaking about freedom (ziyou) and democracy (minzhu), both long-standing taboos in the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) private and public lexicon. Analysts who monitor developments in China attribute this... MORE

Beijing Launches Diplomatic Blitz to Steal Obama’s Thunder

Beijing has unleashed an unprecedented diplomatic blitz while the new Obama administration battles doubts about its stimulus packages to salvage the struggling American economy. For the first time, both Chinese State President Hu Jintao and Vice-President Xi Jinping were on trips abroad earlier this month—the... MORE

China-Taiwan: An Intelligence Detente?

The ruling party in Taiwan, the Kuomintang (KMT), is engulfed in another intelligence-related gaffe. A string of domino-like events that began with a report in the United Daily News, one of Taiwan's major newspapers with close ties to the ruling party, which reported that a... MORE