Latest China Brief Articles

Media Control and the Erosion of an Accountable Party-State in China

In recent weeks, a scandal of international proportions involving the consumption of tainted Chinese milk has emerged beginning with the Sanlu Group extending out to include 22 producers of baby formula—among them China’s major dairy companies Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group and Mengniu Dairy Company—impacted... MORE

Evaluating Trends in Central Military Commission Membership

Leadership ascension in China has long been an opaque and unpredictable process. The 17th Party Congress, due to convene this year, will present another opportunity for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to reshuffle its top leadership. Included in this will likely be new members of... MORE

Milk Powder Scandal Exposes China’s Worsening Administrative Malaise

China’s formidable state machinery was able to stage the largest Olympics in history and to have a “Taikonaut” perform a 20-minute “spacewalk” last week. Yet the world-scale scandal emanating from contaminated milk products has exposed the worsening malaise in the country’s political and administrative structure.... MORE

China and Pakistan Enhance Strategic Partnership

On September 26, 2008, Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met with Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, chief of the Army Staff of Pakistan, in Beijing. The meeting, which called for the enhancement of bilateral strategic partnership, was held against the backdrop of deteriorating U.S.-Pakistan relations as a... MORE

Beijing Tackles Lack of Transparency Amid Global Financial Crisis

The agency that serves as China's economic bellwether, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), has indicated that it will undertake new statistical reform and development. Ma Jiantang, the new NBS chief, stated that the financial turmoil facing the global economy "had increased the uncertainties of... MORE

The Lost Generation of the 17th Chinese Communist Party Politburo

China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which lasted roughly from 1966 to 1976, was a period of immense turmoil in Chinese society during which millions were killed or persecuted. A majority of the 11 new officials appointed to China’s elite 25-member 17th Communist Party Politburo in... MORE

China’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves in Sino-Venezuela Relations

After inviting two Russian strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons to land in Caracas as part of a joint military maneuver—whose significance was downplayed by the Russian authorities—Caracas expelled U.S. Ambassador Patrick Duddy on September 11. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has since embarked on... MORE