Latest China Brief Articles

New Tensions, Old Problems on the Sino-Indian Border

As China deepens its economic and strategic relations with Pakistan, and makes diplomatic in-roads with Nepal and Myanmar, it is worth examining an issue that continues to mar Sino-Indian relations. The China-India border dispute has long stirred tensions between Beijing and New Delhi, in spite... MORE

The Latest Indication of the PLA’s Network Warfare Strategy

Comparing the Strategic Guidance for Military Struggle in Cyberspace from the 2013 and 2015 editions of The Science of Military Strategy  The 2015 text of The Science of Military Strategy (战略学), published by the PLA’s National Defense University (NDU) in April, offers an interesting contrast... MORE

China’s Draft Cybersecurity Law

In early December, China and the United States reached an agreement in their first round of high-level dialogue on fighting cybercrime and other malicious cyber activities (China Daily, December 2; Legal Daily, December 2). The meeting marked a significant step for both countries in establishing... MORE

Su-35 Purchase: Evidence of Sino-Russian Relations’ Weakness or Strength?

In a reversal of previous statements about Russia’s long-delayed sale of Sukhoi-35 fighter jets to China, Russian military-industrial conglomerate Rostec’s President Sergey Chemezov confirmed that the negotiation has been completed and “we have signed a contract” (Takungbao Online, November 19). Media discussions of the purchase... MORE

China’s Emerging “Af-Pak” Dilemma

The Chinese Ministry Foreign Affairs recently dispatched Deng Xijun, an experienced Asia-policy trouble-shooter, to Afghanistan as China’s special envoy (MFA, November 12). Mr. Deng met with Afghan political and military leaders, where he reemphasized China’s commitment to the peace and stability of Afghanistan. This meeting... MORE

From Academia to Politics: When Scholars Rule China

In late October, China’s State Council announced the appointment of Professor Chen Yulu, President of Fudan University as the Vice-Governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) (Xinhua News, October 30). Including Prof. Chen, five university presidents have been appointed to senior political positions of... MORE

China’s Anti-Graft Campaign in Review

China’s anti-graft campaign reached a milestone last month with the early November detention of Shanghai and Beijing Vice Mayors, Ai Baojun and Lu Xiwen, respectively, on corruption charges. At least one official with the rank of vice minister or above from each of China’s 31... MORE

After the Tour: Xi Jinping’s Southeast Asian Diplomacy

Even for China’s unusually well-traveled president, Xi Jinping, the past month has seen a large number of important visits, culminating in the Asia Pacific Economic Partnership (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting in Manila. Xi conducted his first state visits to Vietnam and Singapore, which included the... MORE