Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Gongadze Murder Still Casts a Shadow over Yushchenko Presidency

On January 27 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) issued another damning report about the poor state of Ukraine's investigation into the murder of opposition journalist Georgi Gongadze in the fall of 2000 ( The involvement of senior Ukrainian leaders in the... MORE

Turkey and Russia Developing a New Economic and Strategic Partnership

Turkish president Abdullah Gul paid a four-day visit to the Russian Federation from February 12 to 15, marking the flourishing multidimensional relations between the two countries. Gul met with Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and other officials and also traveled to Kazan,... MORE

Russia’s Air Force Modernizes for a “Virtual Cold War”

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov confirmed on February 9 that the Ministry of Defense (MOD) has decided to purchase 34 MiG-29SMT Fulcrum fighter aircraft originally intended for delivery to Algeria. The contract agreed upon by Russia and Algeria in 2006 was reportedly worth 25... MORE