Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The Threat of Islamic Radicalism in Suriname

The threat of radical Islamism in Latin America and the Caribbean remains a vital concern for U.S. and regional security officials, particularly in light of allegations that al-Qaeda nuclear terrorist Adnan Shukrijumah lived in Suriname at one point. The region's reputation for porous borders, political... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s Caucasian Foot Soldiers

In the West, Islamic terrorism is a threat traditionally associated with Middle Eastern men whose faces are easily perceived as "alien" and who present a suitable profile around which to organize law enforcement monitoring. Recent events have again shown that this profile is outdated. The... MORE

Profiles of Pakistan’s Seven Tribal Agencies

The notion of "tribal culture" in the West often brings to mind images of backward, uneducated and unsophisticated societies. Perpetual chaos in states like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, for instance, is often attributed to tribal culture. It is a sweeping judgment as in many cases... MORE

The Effects of Thailand’s Coup on the Southern Insurgency

One of the justifications for the recent coup in Thailand was Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's mishandling of the southern insurgency, which has claimed some 1,700 lives in the past two-and-a-half years. The generals chafed at the political interference of Thaksin and his deputy Chidchai, their... MORE

The Danger of Homegrown Terrorism to Scandinavia

The recent rounds of arrests in North America and in Europe highlight the changed face of jihadi terrorism in the West. The profile of the cells dismantled in Toronto and London this past summer confirms a trend that had become apparent after the November 2004... MORE

Hassan Nasrallah and the Strategy of Steadfastness

When speaking about Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah's political strategy, it is necessary to study the organization as a whole. According to Hezbollah's leaders, the party was born as a resistance movement, not as a political party in the classic sense. Nasrallah emphasizes the collective nature... MORE

The Threat of Terrorism to Kenya

Debate is brewing in Kenya over the issue of radical Islam in the wake of the global war on terrorism. In a country where both Christians and Muslims have co-existed harmoniously for years, the talk has turned emotional and has been equally controversial. Experts are... MORE

Pakistan’s Peace Deal with Taliban Militants

On September 5, Pakistan signed a peace deal with "Taliban militants" in North Waziristan, where its military has been battling insurgents since 2004. Under the deal, military troops have now been redeployed to their designated camps and forts within the region. The political agent, who... MORE