Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The Islamist Underground in Southern Kyrgyzstan

Last year's uprising in the Uzbek city of Andijan was only the first symptom of renewed tensions in the Ferghana Valley. The region has seen an increase in inter-ethnic tensions and in operations by Islamist radicals. Groups such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan... MORE

Yemen’s Al-Iman University: A Pipeline for Fundamentalists?

The recent arrests of 23 men, including four Europeans and three Australians, have once again raised questions about Yemen's al-Iman University and its possible links to extremism. Initial reports suggested that the European and Australian suspects, who were accused of smuggling weapons to Islamist militias... MORE

The Geostrategic Implications of the Baloch Insurgency

Pakistan continues to grapple with insurgent violence in its southwestern province of Balochistan, which is bounded by the country's tribal belt in the northwest, Afghanistan in the north and Iran in the west. In the northwest, Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) has also been... MORE

Japan’s Energy Supplies at Risk

Japan is well-known for being a resource-poor country, particularly when it comes to the acquisition of energy resources—such as oil and natural gas—that are needed to run its high-powered economy. Japan imports all of its energy supplies, the majority of which come from what most... MORE

The Shiite Zarqawi: A Profile of Abu Deraa

Depending on whom you ask, Abu Deraa is either considered a Shiite hero or the Shiite version of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The legendary militant, notorious for his brutal tactics and hatred for Sunnis, is known to operate out of Sadr City, yet he remains a... MORE

Devising a New Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Europe

Before 2005, suicide terrorist attacks in Europe were only a dreaded scenario feared by police and the security community. Then, on July 7, 2005, four suicide bombers blew themselves up in three underground trains and one bus in London, causing 52 fatalities and injuring nearly... MORE

The Threat of Islamic Radicalism in Suriname

The threat of radical Islamism in Latin America and the Caribbean remains a vital concern for U.S. and regional security officials, particularly in light of allegations that al-Qaeda nuclear terrorist Adnan Shukrijumah lived in Suriname at one point. The region's reputation for porous borders, political... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s Caucasian Foot Soldiers

In the West, Islamic terrorism is a threat traditionally associated with Middle Eastern men whose faces are easily perceived as "alien" and who present a suitable profile around which to organize law enforcement monitoring. Recent events have again shown that this profile is outdated. The... MORE

Profiles of Pakistan’s Seven Tribal Agencies

The notion of "tribal culture" in the West often brings to mind images of backward, uneducated and unsophisticated societies. Perpetual chaos in states like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia, for instance, is often attributed to tribal culture. It is a sweeping judgment as in many cases... MORE