Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The War Within

The tumult caused by the spate of bombings in Saudi Arabia may reflect accurately the turmoil happening in the war of hearts and minds - including those of the terrorists themselves. Although Saudi Arabia has long been under the spotlight for its role in the... MORE

The Growing Threat of Islamic Militancy in Europe

Since the bomb-attacks in Madrid on March 11, 2004, dozens of militant Islamic activists have been detained across Europe. At the same time, several active cells dealing in everything from propaganda to smuggling Islamic activists to Iraq have been broken up by various European police... MORE

Assessing The Myth Of Disarray

Since the overthrow of the Taliban, most media reports on Afghanistan have warned of rising lawlessness throughout the countryside. Outside the capital Kabul, which is patrolled by international peacekeeping troops, we are told that "anarchy" prevails. The reports attribute this state of affairs to America's... MORE

Problem Solved?

This month marks the two-year anniversary of the Taliban's fall. While the need for improvement in Afghanistan remains, the country's population appears better off now than at any time since warfare first broke out over two decades ago. The Afghan people themselves support this conclusion... MORE

U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan: Promise And Reality

The true impact of U.S. policy toward Afghanistan is considerably at odds with the Bush Administration's expansive rhetoric. The United States seeks to wage the war on terrorism, establish a democratic Afghanistan and reconstruct the country. However, in Afghanistan, due to the lack of security... MORE

Tanzania: Al Qaeda’s East African Beachhead?

Introduction Western security interests in East Africa have been cast in a new light during the past two years, with policy makers in both Britain and the United States expressing increased concern over the region's potential to emerge as a new front for jihadist extremism... MORE

Sciri: An American Ally In Iraq?

SCIRI The United States faces three adversaries in its attempts to stabilize and democratize Iraq. These are indigenous Arab Nationalists (Baathist or otherwise), foreign Sunni Islamists and Shia extremists. The Sunni Islamists are the least formidable of the three. Iraq lacks the Sunni Islamist political... MORE

The Hizb ut-Tahrir: Stronger In Central Asia

The Hizb ut Tahrir al Islami (Islamic Liberation party, HuT) transnational Islamic radical movement is widely reported to have become stronger in Central Asia over the course of 2003 despite the widespread anti-terrorist activities in the region that have gravely damaged al Qaida and the... MORE

Afghanistan’s Resurgent Taliban

Though Afghanistan today faces many threats, the greatest is that from Islamist extremists inside the country as well as those sheltering in the neighboring provinces of Pakistan. The most recent period has seen adversaries of the Karzai government and the US regroup their main forces.... MORE