Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Pushtun Politics And Violence In Afghanistan

Violence in Afghanistan in the past few months has been largely cross-border in nature, originating in Pakistan and carried out by individuals of multiple nationalities who return to Pakistan after striking. Examining the location of recent incidents supports such an analysis. [1] While no part... MORE

An Interview With Jamal Khashoggi

The following is an excerpt from Jamestown Correspondent Mahan Abedin's interview with Jamal Khashoggi, A Saudi journalist and media advisor to the Saudi Ambassador to the UK, Prince Turki al-Faisal. He was previously editor-in-chief of the Saudi daily al-Watan. The interview was conducted July 7,... MORE

Radicals And Reformers In Pakistani Politics

The outbreak of sectarian violence in Karachi in May 2004 is a testimony to the volatile conditions still prevailing in Pakistan. And while Pakistani forces cooperate with coalition troops to subdue a stubborn resistance in South Waziristan, the country struggles to strike a balance between... MORE

The Targets Inside Cities, From Mu’askar Al-battar, Issue 7 (march 2004)

By Abu Hajir Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin Translated by Jamestown Translator's Introduction: The following translation is taken from Issue 7 of Mu'askar al-Battar published in March 2004, the online military journal attributed to al-Qaeda. The article, accredited to Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin, provides a number of insights... MORE

Blackening The Face Of Terrorism In Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia appears to have scored something of a propaganda coup in its war against terrorism with the surrender of Othman al-Amri, an Islamist militant hunted by security forces for more than a year and reported to be number 21 among 26 most-wanted men named... MORE

Understanding The Roots Of The Shi’a Insurgency In Iraq

By the end of March 2004 – and to everyone's surprise – significant elements of the Shi'ite community rose in open rebellion against the coalition when the firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr unleashed his so-called Mahdi's Army against the coalition. Suddenly, the coalition was faced with... MORE

The War On Terror And The Politics Of Violence In Pakistan

Violence in Pakistan has gone through all conceivable phases before becoming pinned to the broader concept of global terrorism inspired by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda after September 11, 2001. Pakistan was born in violence, as communal riots broke out between Muslims and Hindus in 1947... MORE

Spain’s 9/11: The Moroccan Connection

Following the March 11 attacks in Madrid, the nature of the Islamist threat to Spain has become a sensitive matter for all Spaniards, including Spain's Muslims. As evidence emerges indicating that foreign terrorists linked to al-Qaeda committed the attacks, many within Spain's North African community... MORE

Editor’s Note On Special Iraq Issue:

Jamestown is proud to present this special issue focusing on Iraq. One of the primary questions addressed here is who and what comprises the insurgency in Iraq. These articles present a complex picture of the conflict; a number of disparate groups with separate aims and... MORE