Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Winning The Arab Street

Military victories in Iraq and Afghanistan do little to alleviate continued U.S. defeats on the most important front in the War on Terror - the war of ideas. A recent report by the Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World, a... MORE

Focusing On The War On Terror: An Interview With Daniel Benj

An Interview with Daniel Benjamin, currently a senior fellow in the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He is the co-author, with Steven Simon, of "The Age of Sacred Terror." Mr. Benjamin served on the National Security Council from 1994-1999.... MORE

The Latin Connection

In the aftermath of the devastating September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States, international attention swiftly focused on a most unlikely place in the Western hemisphere--la Triple Frontera, the triple border region in South America where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet. Nearly 629,000... MORE

The Isi: Still Terrorism’s Ally?

The arrest near Islamabad earlier this year of the alleged number three man in al Qaeda's hierarchy, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, is worthy of note for two reasons. First, the capture took place on Pakistani territory with the help of local bodies of investigation and anti-terror... MORE

A View From The Other Side: An Introduction To Arab Media

Beginning with this issue, the Terrorism Monitor on a regular basis will analyze the Arab media's portrayal of the ideological sources of terrorism. This will include the most recent broadcasts of Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabi, and other Arab television networks and will focus on the issues of... MORE

Hambali’s Capture: How Significant For The War On Terror?

August's capture of Riduan Isamuddin in Thailand has been hailed as a major advance in the war on terror in Southeast Asia. Otherwise known as "Hambali," this well-publicized figure in the extremist transnational Islamic network has been variously implicated in the 9/11 strikes in New... MORE

Saudi Arabia: Friend Or Foe?

Much is being said and written about today's Islam and its role in international relations. "Islamic extremism" is understood as political extremism that uses Islam as an ideological basis. "Fundamentalism," "Wahhabism," "political Islam," and "militant Islam" are often viewed as synonyms. Those who try to... MORE

Iran And Afghanistan: Hedging Bets

As with all of its foreign policy issues, Iran is hedging its bets in Afghanistan. Driving Tehran's policy is its obsession with the United States and anxieties about how Washington's actions will impinge on Iran's national interests. This is all the more crucial for Iran... MORE

Two Years Later: An Assessment Of The Global War On Terror

An interview with Peter Bergen, author of Holy War, Inc., conducted by The Terrorism Monitor's managing editor, Julie Sirrs, on September 6, 2003. TM: What are the main reasons the U.S. has so far not been successful in apprehending Osama bin Laden? Bergen: There are... MORE