Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 78

After a weekend markedby disputes over how many prisoners each side holds, violencethat left dead on both sides, a massive pro-independence demonstrationin Grozny, and threats by Shamil Basayev to launch new terroristattacks on Russian cities, Itar-Tass reported August 21 that agroup of pro-independence Chechens has seized a police stationin Argun and that Russian troops have moved in to surround it. As of this writing, the standoff continues but tensions remainvery high. Political talks were scheduled to resume August 21,but Russian media have not yet reported that they have begun.Meanwhile, Russian security officials charged that the latestAmerican journalist to disappear in Chechnya is an agent of theCIA and that Chechen rebels were being prepared in the Czech republic.

Fourth Anniversary of Coup Marked Quietly.