Latest Articles about North Africa

Branding al-Qaeda in Mali – France’s Self-Declared Jihadist Gilles le Guen
Self-declared jihadist Gilles le Guen (a.k.a. Abdel Jelil) was arrested on April 28 by French forces in Timbuktu, questioned and handed over to Malian authorities. He was extradited back to France on May 14 and faces charges of criminal conspiracy under a French anti-terrorism bill... MORE

Tunisia’s Elusive Jihadist Network
Over the last month, Tunisia has seen an escalation of the violence and tensions between security forces and the Islamist movements that emerged after the fall of President Zine al-Abdin bin Ali in January, 2011. Attention focused primarily on the violent May 19 clashes in... MORE

The Race for Libya’s GNC Presidency: A Profile of Militant Turned Politician Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid
Summary Abd al-Wahhab Muhammad Qaid, the elder brother of a top al-Qaeda commander killed in an American drone strike in Pakistan last summer, has emerged as a strong candidate in the upcoming election for Libya’s top political job president of the General National Congress (GNC).... MORE

Boko Haram’s Elusive Cameroonian – Mamman Nur
In Boko Haram leader Abu Shekau’s first public statement in June 2010, he surprised Nigerian government officials when he addressed the message to the “Leaders of al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups in Algeria, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen” (Agence-France Presse, July 14, 2010). At that time,... MORE

Directions in North African Jihadism in the Post-Mali Conflict Environment
Operation Serval, the French-led military intervention in Northern Mali brought major changes to the strategic landscape and geopolitical trends in the region, curbing, or at least slowing, the increasing presence and local control that jihadist groups have pursued in the region since 2003. The intervention... MORE

Hot Issue: Niger: New Battleground for North Africa’s Islamist Militants?
When a pair of suicide bombings occurred almost simultaneously at important economic and military targets in Niger last week, it raised the specter of broadening Salafi-Jihadist activities paralyzing the political and economic development of a vast stretch of north and west Africa. Niger, possibly the... MORE

Who’s Who in Tunisia’s Salafi-Jihadi Community: A Look at Key Leaders of Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia
Two years ago, Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia (AST) established itself as the premiere Salafi-Jihadi organization operating in the post-revolution environment. AST has become a key player not necessarily because of its size, but because of the anxiety it gives to many who worry about their... MORE

“I Don’t Know the Meaning of Militant”: A Profile of the Niger Delta’s Al-Haji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari: Part Two
As oil theft in southern Nigeria’s Niger Delta region reaches up to an unprecedented 250,000 barrels per day, there are signs that al-Haji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari, the man who helped found the militant movements of the Delta and perfected the practice of “bunkering” (as tapping the... MORE

A Close-Up of Commander Isa Abd al-Majid Mansur of the Tubu Front for the Salvation of Libya
Isa Abd al-Majid Mansur is the leader of the southern Libyan ethnic political and militant movement the Tubu Front for the Salvation of Libya (TFSL). He is in his early-40s and is a native of the Libyan oasis town of Kufra in the southeastern Cyrenaica... MORE

“Inheriting Jihad”: A Portrait of Saudi Arabia’s Senior al-Qaeda Member Ahmed Abdullah Saleh al-Khazmari al-Zahrani
The Department of State designated Ahmed Abdullah Saleh al-Khazmari al-Zahrani (a.k.a. Abu Maryam al-Azdi) a “global terrorist” on January 24, describing him as a senior member of al-Qaeda. Al-Zahrani has been on a list of extremists wanted for extradition by the Saudi Interior Ministry since... MORE