Latest Articles about Kyrgyzstan


Ukraine 's Orange Revolution has produced a not unexpected reaction throughout Central Asia , a region where elections, more often than not, are orchestrated endorsements of the ruling party and its leader. This reaction is one of profound fear and alarm. Throughout Central Asia leaders... MORE


Kyrgyzstan's intelligence services remain vigilant regarding the threat posed by Islamic terrorists ranging from the IMU to al-Qaeda, although they often use the legitimate security concerns posed by international terrorism to mask political repression. However, there is growing recognition of the futility of placing hopes... MORE

Bishkek Looks Towards China To Strengthen Counter-terrorism

Kyrgyzstan has increased its security cooperation with China in an effort to enhance its anti-terrorist capabilities. Since the deployment of U.S. military forces to Ganci airbase in Manas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001, the Kyrgyz authorities have continued to finely balance relations... MORE

Russia Strengthens Its Airbase In Kyrgyzstan

Russia intends to further strengthen its military presence within Central Asia this year, beginning with deepening its commitment to its airbase in Kant, Kyrgyzstan. Essentially designed to enhance the anti-terrorist dimension of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), this will be accompanied by broad-ranging Russian... MORE

Washington Vague On U.S. Basing Plans In Central Asia

Elizabeth Jones, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs, has attempted to dispel speculation concerning how long U.S. military forces will remain deployed in Central Asia to support Operation Enduring Freedom. Responding to fears, particularly from Russian security circles, that the deployment may in... MORE

Uzbekistan Agrees To Remove Minefields Along Its Border With Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently issued an official statement praising Uzbekistan's decision to de-mine the border between the two countries. According to the statement, Uzbekistan's action will "contribute to the strengthening of traditionally friendly and mutually beneficial relations in the Central Asian region" (RIA... MORE

Kyrgyzstan As Consumer Of Security Assistance

The Collective Rapid Deployment Forces (CRDF) held a command and staff exercise in Kyrgyzstan June 2-3, signaling the start of a summer of military exercises which will underscore the organization's attempts to strengthen its credibility and enhance its image within Central Asia (Kabar News Agency,... MORE