Latest Articles about Central Asia

Russia Seeks to Extend Transport Routes to Afghanistan
Executive Summary: Western sanctions against Russia have hampered northern cargo transportation routes used by most Eurasian states, leading Russia to increase relations with the Taliban government on transport communications to connect to the South Asian market. Extending the International North-South Transport Corridor to Afghanistan and... MORE

State Goals, Private Tools: Digital Sovereignty and Surveillance Along the Belt and Road
Executive Summary: Beijing promotes digital sovereignty in its engagements with other countries but with the caveat that it can maintain access to partner countries’ digital systems. Leaked documents from cyber contracting firm iS00N indicate a focus on One Belt One Road partner countries, targeting critical... MORE

Central Asian Countries Sending Migrant Workers to Asia Over Russia
Executive Summary: Facing increasing Russian hostility to Central Asian immigrants, Central Asian countries are instead encouraging their nationals to go to other Asian countries to ensure transfer payments and prevent domestic explosions. These moves are negatively impacting the Russian economy and forcing Moscow to seek... MORE

Moscow Hopes Bishkek Can Help Control Kyrgyz Migrant Workers in Russia
Executive Summary: Moscow is relying more heavily on local ethnic militias made up of immigrants to ensure order in Russian cities as the war in Ukraine continues and more Russians are sent to the front. Moscow is allowing Bishkek to play a role in supervising... MORE

Kremlin Prioritizes Russian Language in Moscow’s Near Abroad
Executive Summary: In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, governments in Eastern Europe have begun reducing the presence of the Russian language in their education systems to combat Moscow’s influence and the Russification of their populations. The preservation of the Russian language abroad is... MORE

Chinese Roads in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Bring Benefits to Beijing
Executive Summary: China, through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), plays a central role in developing transit networks in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, aiming to unify regional road infrastructure and facilitate Chinese exports. Chinese involvement provides economic benefits to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan but also gives China... MORE

National People’s Congress Deepens External United Front Work
Executive Summary: The National People’s Congress (NPC) actively engages in diplomatic exchanges with foreign legislative bodies as part of the Party’s united front strategy. This work aims to build a favorable international environment for the PRC’s “One Belt One Road” initiative and its concept of... MORE

Multiple Countries Strive to Enhance Middle Corridor Despite Challenges
Executive Summary: The European Union is working with the countries along the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor (also known as the Middle Corridor) to support infrastructure development and provide technical assistance for improving standards, digitalization, and regional interoperability. Disruptions along the trans-Russia northern route due to Western... MORE

Kazakhstan Pauses Prospective Application to BRICS
Executive Summary: Just days before the 16th BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, Kazakhstan announced that it will likely not consider applying to join the group in the foreseeable future, citing the complexity of gaining membership and the bloc’s future prospects. China and Russia, two key... MORE

Moscow’s Anti-Migrant Campaign Accelerating Formation of Ethnic Ghettos in Russia
Executive Summary: Russia is now facing a problem that did not exist in Soviet times and one that in the years since 1991, Moscow has denied exists now: the appearance in Moscow and other major cities of ethnic ghettos consisting of members of Central Asian... MORE