Latest Articles about Central Asia
Wide Scale Arrests Follow Attacks In Uzbekistan
A series of terrorist acts that took place in late March and early April of this year in Uzbekistan took the lives of twenty-eight people. Sixteen terrorists were also killed in shootouts, and fifteen militants blew themselves up while detonating improvised explosive devices. Approximately fifty... MORE
Rahmonov Appears To Back Border Forces Transfer
In his annual address to the national parliament on April 30, Tajik President Imomali Rahmonov said that close strategic relations bind Russia and Tajikistan together. "Tajikistan has not changed its attitude towards its strategic ally over the ten years of our partnership. The Tajik nation... MORE
Unknown Group Draws Attention Of Tajik Authorities
On April 12, in the Isfara region in the north of Tajikistan, the special services detained twenty people suspected of committing a range of aggravated criminal acts motivated by racial and religious hatred. These acts included both the murder of the leader of the local... MORE