Latest Articles about China

New China Coast Guard Regulation Buttresses PRC Aggression in the South China Sea
Executive Summary: The new “Regulation of the China Coast Guard (CCG) Organization on Enforcing Law and Order” formalizes the increasingly assertive actions taken by Chinese forces in parts of the South China Sea (SCS), empowering the CCG to detain foreign vessels and persons for up to... MORE

Georgia, Losing Western Support, Risks Missing Opportunity to Restore Territorial Integrity
Executive Summary: Officials in Russia and the occupied Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia decried Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze’s declaration that by 2030, Georgians will once again live with Abkhazians and Ossetians. Georgian Dream officials and propagandists have alluded to a backdoor agreement between... MORE

The Untold Psychological War in Hong Kong: Gray Media’s Influence Operation on the Legislation of Article 23
Executive Summary: Analysis of five gray media outlets in Hong Kong during the consultation period for Article 23 legislation passed earlier this year, show how they echo governmental talking points and coordinate to produce collaborative content across popular social media channels. These outlets often present... MORE

Hong Kong’s Ambitious And Difficult Cryptocurrency Foray
Executive Summary: Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) announced that 11 cryptocurrency exchanges are close to being licensed to operate in the city, aiming to establish Hong Kong as a leading digital assets hub. However, 12 exchanges did not advance in the licensing process,... MORE

PRC Pursuit of Geopolitical and Military Objectives in the South Pacific
Executive Summary: PRC investments and cooperation in the South Pacific enhance its military reach and ability to monitor strategic regions. This engagement serves not only economic interests but also significant geopolitical and security purposes, particularly in nations along key maritime and aerial routes. There is... MORE

PRC Transfer of Military and Dual-Use Technology: the Case of the International Conference on Defence Technology
Executive Summary: The International Conference on Defence Technology (ICDT), held biannually since 2018, exemplifies an approach by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to leverage defense technology from Western researchers. The conference features participation from PRC defense entities and Western scientists, facilitating direct transfer of... MORE

Taiwan’s Reform Bills Indicate Volatility
Executive Summary: Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has returned inflammatory legislation to the Legislative Yuan over concerns that it violates democratic principles, procedural justice, and the country’s constitution. The legislation is also likely to face judicial challenges. Contentious provisions could force testimony by military officials and others... MORE

Georgia’s Anaklia Deep-Water Port Becomes Chinese Geopolitical Project
Executive Summary: The Georgian Dream government has announced that a Chinese-Singaporean consortium dominated by the Chinese state won the tender for the construction and management of the strategic Anaklia deep-sea port. The port could drastically change the geoeconomic and geopolitical situation in the region, providing... MORE

Belarus’s Economic Plight Opens Opportunity to Pressure Minsk For Release of Political Prisoners
Executive Summary: Western efforts to trigger the release of at least 1,559 political prisoners in Belarus, who are forced to endure inhumane conditions and extreme repressions, have flagged since 2020. Belarus’s economic needs in the current geopolitical environment are opening windows to pressure Minsk to... MORE

Chinese Plans for Moscow Region Threaten to Spark Protests Near Kremlin
Executive Summary: Chinese plans to develop mines in Moscow oblast undercut the Kremlin’s longstanding efforts to keep such projects and the protests they provoke far away from the capital, lest they lead to political demonstrations near the Kremlin. This transformation of environmental issues into political... MORE