Latest Articles about China

Beijing’s Supervision Law Overhaul: Proposed Amendments Push Extraterritorial Anti-Corruption Enforcement

Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) proposed amendments to the Supervision Law aim to strengthen the National Supervision Commission’s (NSC) authority, particularly its ability to conduct extraterritorial anti-corruption enforcement. The amendments align with Xi Jinping’s “foreign-related rule-by-law (涉外法治)” concept, extending PRC legal and... MORE

MIIT Overhypes Lithography Breakthrough

Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has announced breakthroughs in semiconductor manufacturing, specifically in Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) lithography, as part of its effort to achieve technological self-sufficiency amid US sanctions. The DUV machines showcased by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)... MORE

Beijing’s Soft Power Push with African Nations

Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has successfully used its hosting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to burnish its soft power and its credentials to be seen as the leader of the Global South. Close political alignment on core issues, including African... MORE

PRC Partnership Diplomacy in the New Era

Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has an extensive taxonomy of diplomatic relations, with at least 42 unique combinations of adjectives for different partnerships. The PRC has never delineated the ranking of these partnerships explicitly, though there is enough available information to determine... MORE

An Assessment of the Audit of Volkswagen’s Controversial Factory in Xinjiang

Executive Summary: A recently leaked copy of the audit of Volkswagen’s much-criticized joint-venture factory in Xinjiang indicates that claims made by Volkswagen inside the report are misleading or false. These include suggestions that the audit applied the SA8000 social accountability standard, followed International Labor Organization... MORE

Ahead in the Cloud: Revolution at the RISC-V Summit China

Executive Summary: A state-private partnership involving China Telecom, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Alibaba has unveiled the industry’s first cloud computing platform dedicated to RISC-V architecture, to accelerate the adoption of RISC-V in cloud-native applications. The RISC-V Summit China, held in Hangzhou, signaled RISC-V’s... MORE

China Enables Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine

Executive Summary: Since the Kremlin began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the West imposed its sanctions against Moscow, Russia has been relying on China to supply materials to maintain its military-industrial complex. China does not wish to see Russia defeated as this would set... MORE