Latest Articles about Europe

Romania at the Brussels Summit: A Less Than Expected Result

As the recent (July 11–12) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Brussels, Belgium, came to a close, Romania’s foreign policy establishment put up a brave face and announced to the public that the country achieved everything it had set out to achieve (Radio România... MORE

Belarus: Enforcing the Law in an Illiberal Democracy

Three sets of law enforcement actions recently administered in Belarus help to shed light on what rule of law means in this country. Thus, on July 4, Alexander Knyrovich, the CEO of SarmatThermo-Engineering, a company that makes heating network pipes, was sentenced to six years... MORE

Georgia Remains on Path to NATO

Four years ago, then–United States President Barack Obama famously stated that Georgia is not presently on the path to membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (Civil Georgia, March 27, 2014). Nevertheless, Tbilisi persisted in its efforts to maintain ever-closer relations with the transatlantic... MORE

Sofia Is Helping Moscow Bypass Ukrainian Gas Transit

German support for Russia’s plans to double the capacity of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea has, in turn, encouraged Bulgaria’s aspirations to develop a regional gas hub with Russian help. Sofia has been seeking a similar arrangement with Gazprom to... MORE