Latest Articles about Europe

Belarus: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Three inter-related themes engage attention in the Belarusian and international media: the ambivalent image of Belarus, its upcoming presidential elections, and the Belarusian economy. The economy appears to be the linchpin of this triad. It informs Belarus’s image, if only to some extent. But although... MORE

Ukrainian Donbas Becomes a Russian Protectorate
In a transcript of a TV interview to German journalists published by the Kremlin this week, President Vladimir Putin declared: “There is war in the East of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government is using its army and even ballistic missiles. You [the West] are silent. Do... MORE

Would Kyiv Create a Crimean Tatar Battalion?
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Mustafa Cemilev, the longtime leader of the Crimean Tatar national movement who now serves as the presidential plenipotentiary representative for Crimean Tatar affairs, have been discussing the possibility of creating a Crimean Tatar Battalion within the Ukrainian army. This battalion... MORE

Rebooting the Geneva Negotiations: Ukraine’s Possible Escape From the Minsk Trap
The armistice agreements, signed two months ago, have failed to protect Ukraine from further Russian offensive operations and encroachments on its territory. The Minsk agreements’ failure is a generally acknowledged fact by now. Debates have narrowed down to whether these agreements are irretrievable failures, or... MORE

Putin Stonewalls, West Wobbles on Ukraine at G20 Summit
G20 heads of state and government held their regular summit on November 15–16, in Brisbane, Australia. Within that large group, Western summiteers devoted much of their time to discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Ukraine. This was a follow-up to the same Western leaders’... MORE

Putin’s Eastern Tour Leaves Troubled Russia in Limbo
The G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, was the last event in President Vladimir Putin’s lengthy Eastern tour that started on November 9, with a visit to China prior to the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC) summit in Beijing. His only contribution to the discussions of the... MORE

Russia Holds First ‘Unity Day’ Celebrations in Annexed Crimea
Since the Russian government instituted a new holiday in 2005, ostensibly to promote patriotism and celebrate the 1612 liberation of Moscow from Polish forces, nationalists have commandeered this “Unity Day” holiday, which takes place every November 4, to hold a “Russian March” that promotes ethnic-Russian... MORE

Moscow Seeks to Upgrade the Status of Donetsk-Luhansk in Negotiating Formats (Part Two)
TO READ PART ONE, CLICK HERE. Russian diplomacy has created its own terminology, complete with fine semantic nuances, to disguise the nature of Russia’s conflict undertaking in Ukraine and promote an incremental legitimization of Russia’s proxies there. Misleading terms such as “the Ukraine conflict,” “crisis in... MORE

Public Interest and Shale Gas in Lithuania: Is Reconciliation Possible?
Just prior to his mid-October 2014 visit to the United States, Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius revealed that his talks with the US government would devote special attention to energy issues, including trying to invite US companies to take part in a new shale gas... MORE

Ukrainian Crisis Fails to ‘Freeze’ as War of Attrition Continues
The wobbly ceasefire in Donbas (region of eastern Ukraine, encompassing Luhansk and Donetsk provinces), undermined by constant shelling and fighting, seems to be on the verge of total collapse. Both sides (Ukrainian government and Russia-backed rebels) blame each other; the West blames Moscow and Moscow... MORE