Latest Articles about Europe

Radical Islam in the Netherlands

Islamists have been known to be active in the Netherlands for at least the past decade. Their activities have been reported in various documents by the Dutch authorities [1], especially the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), whose first public statements date back to 1991.... MORE

Italy: Europe’s Emerging Platform for Islamic Extremism

Investigations by the Italian security services since 2001 indicate that Italy has become a platform for al-Qaeda associated terrorist operations in Europe and Iraq. Italy's Muslim population is concentrated in Milan, with an estimated 100,000 Muslims residing in the northern city. Not surprisingly Milan appears... MORE

The Struggle Within Islam: Albanian Muslims Reject Extremism

I first heard the term "Wahhabi"--referring to the ultrafundamentalist Islamic sect that is the state dispensation in Saudi Arabia--in a Yugoslav context, in 1989. Specifically, Wahhabism was compared with Stalinist Communism, a parallel that seemed immediately appropriate. But little did I imagine that as a... MORE

A Fatwa and Defiance at the Madrid Conference

The three–day conference on terrorism that brought over 20 heads of government to Madrid on the anniversary of the March 11, 2004 train bombings by al-Qaeda that killed 191 people, excited some interest from the mujahideen. A statement attributed to Abu Maysara al-Iraqi, the "Media... MORE

European Counter-Terrorism Culture and Methodology

More than a year after the al-Qaeda linked bombings in Madrid, a general appraisal of counter-terrorism developments in Europe generally yields a worrying picture. Many analysts argue that the European Union has made little progress in coordinating and enforcing measures involving intelligence swapping and police... MORE

The Growing Threat of Islamic Militancy in Europe

Since the bomb-attacks in Madrid on March 11, 2004, dozens of militant Islamic activists have been detained across Europe. At the same time, several active cells dealing in everything from propaganda to smuggling Islamic activists to Iraq have been broken up by various European police... MORE


In mid-April, the Supreme Court of Belarus ordered the closure of the Independent Institute of Social-Economic and Political Research. The institute's Russian-language acronym is NISEPI, though it is better known outside Belarus as NISEPS or IISEPS (Narodnaya volya, April 16). Its director, the respected sociologist... MORE


According to recent polls, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has greatly benefited from the Orange Revolution and the ensuing popular optimism. She and her Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc are very popular now, three months after she became prime minister and a year ahead of the next... MORE