Latest Articles about Middle East
Re-Opening the Talysh Question in Azerbaijan: Armenian, Iranian and Russian ‘Traces’
The launch of a Talysh-language radio station based in the Armenian-occupied territories but directed at the members of that ethnic minority elsewhere in Azerbaijan is part of the latest chapter in the long and dangerous history of efforts by Azerbaijan’s three neighbors—Armenia, Iran and the... MORE
“Obliged to Unite under One Banner”: A Profile of Syria’s Jaysh al-Muhajireen wa’l-Ansar
A video posted on YouTube in the last week of March documented the unification of two Syrian armed groups; the Katibat al-Khattab (Army of Khattab Brigades) and the Katibat Jaysh al-Muhammad (Army of Muhammad Brigades), with the Katibat al-Muhajireen (KaM - the Brigade of Migrants).... MORE
Foreign and Domestic Causes of Unrest Ahead of Azerbaijan’s Presidential Elections
In 2013, two waves of popular discontent rolled over Azerbaijan. The first wave, starting in January and continuing through March, was related to the abuse of soldiers in the military (Hurriyet Daily News, March 11). The second wave, beginning on March 31, was related to... MORE
Beijing Builds its Eurasian Transportation Network
China continues to make progress in building its Eurasian transportation networks with the aim of deepening its economic ties in Central and South Asia as well as providing a foundation for its regional security interests. Gwadar, a port town in western Pakistan close to Iran... MORE
First Ethnic Ossetian Refugees from Syria Arrive in North Ossetia
Since the beginning of this year, Syrian Ossetians have been arriving in North Ossetia. Six refugees arrived in the republic at the end of January, and 12 more followed in February. The Ossetians from Syria arrived in the North Caucasus at the invitation of the... MORE
New Wave of Militarization in the Caspian
On March 17, the Iranian navy launched a new Jamaran-2 destroyer in the Caspian Sea. The Iranian establishment, including President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Hassan Firuzabadi, attended the ceremony. This destroyer was developed and... MORE
Circassian Activists Unite Around Circassian ‘Genocide’ Issue
At the end of March, Mukhamed Cherkesov, the leader of the Circassian organization in Karachaevo-Cherkessia, addressed a plea to republican officials to help Circassian refugees from Syria. Cherkesov alleged that Syrian Circassians have been encountering unusually steep bureaucratic hurdles in Karachaevo-Cherkessia and been forced to... MORE
Chechen Insurgency Leader Doku Umarov Tells Chechens Not to Fight in Syria
Over the past several months, various sources have raised the issue of Chechen involvement in the armed uprising in Syria. Few doubt that Chechens have been present in the conflict-ridden country. The question is how central their position is in the anti-Assad armed opposition.First of... MORE
Who’s Who in the Jordanian Opposition: Part Two
Inspired by the Arab Spring, the Salafi-Jihadists of Jordan have been holding demonstrations in several cities. As citizens take to the street to demand political reform, jihadists have shown that they are large in number and defiant, though they do not operate as an organization.... MORE
Succession Scenarios after Talabani: The Irreplaceable PUK Leader
Jalal Talabani, president of Iraq and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK—Yeketî Nistîmanî Kurdistan), was admitted to a hospital in Baghdad on December 17, 2012 after he reportedly suffered a stroke. The PUK is one of the ruling parties of the autonomous Kurdistan region... MORE