Latest Articles about Middle East

A Profile of AQAP’s Fahd al-Quso’

Background Fahd al-Quso’, from the al-Daha clan of the al-Awaliq tribe, was born in Aden, the former capital of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, on November 12, 1974. He is an Arab-Afghan veteran of the anti-Soviet jihad. During his stay in Afghanistan, al-Quso’ was... MORE

Kurdish PKK Using PJAK to Isolate Turkey

The rising tension and provocative rhetoric surrounding Iran’s alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons are a matter of public record. Yet, are there other agendas being played out amidst the larger confrontation between Iran and the West? One such agenda may be found in the mountainous... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s Ambitions in Pakistan: Changing Goals, Changing Strategies

President Obama’s Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, by defining a goal of “disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al-Qaeda,” on the one hand gives direction to this otherwise directionless war, and on the other emphasizes targeting al-Qaeda over all other anti-terrorism efforts (Associated Press of Pakistan, August 2). Al-Qaeda, as... MORE

Loopholes Opening in US, EU Sanctions on Iran

The United States and the European Union have imposed on July 1 and July 26, respectively, a new round of sanctions of unprecedented severity, presuming to hinder Iran’s uranium-enrichment program. Other parties, however, are wasting no time opening loopholes in these sanctions’ main dimension, pertaining... MORE