Latest Articles about Russia

Killings In Istanbul Just the Latest In Series of Murders of Chechens Abroad
The first reports of the killing of three Chechens after Friday prayers in Istanbul on September 16, indicated the incident may have been linked to the Caucasus Emirate (www.interfax.ru, September 16, 2011). Russian media tried to present the murders as being related to fighting with... MORE

High Profile Disasters In Russia: Transport Minister Retains His Post
This week, Russia’s long serving Transport Minister Igor Levitin was called to answer angry questions in the Duma after a series of tragic plane crashes and a riverboat sinking last July left hundreds of passengers and crew members dead. On September 7, a Yak-42 jet... MORE

Kremlin Remains Clueless About How to Mitigate Dangers for Foreign Investors In the North Caucasus
On September 16, the French state bank Caisse des Depots et Consignations and Russian state company Resorts of the North Caucasus signed an agreement on setting up a joint venture. The French bank promised to raise 10 billion Euros ($14.2 billion) within a year for... MORE

Russian Strategic Interests Expand In the Arctic
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has been the chief proponent of Arctic development among the Russian elite, and he continues to be its booster. Putin promotes the creation of infrastructure so that Russia can exploit the Arctic’s energy resources as he emphasizes the need to... MORE

Gazprom’s South Stream Shareholders Sign Agreement On Black Sea Offshore Pipeline
On September 16 in Sochi, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin presided over the signing of a shareholders’ agreement to build the offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline (Interfax, September 16, 17).The agreement pertains to the pipeline’s section on the seabed of the Black... MORE

Russian-Mongolian Defense Cooperation and Selenga 2011
Russia and Mongolia staged the Selenga 2011 antiterrorist exercise during the first week in September, which if placed in a wider context of Russian defense cooperation and shifts occurring in scenario planning for its military exercises may reveal adjustments in Moscow’s security thinking. Selenga 2011... MORE

New Details Emerge on the Repression of Journalists and Rights Activists in the North Caucasus
On September 14 in Moscow, rights activists held a press conference on the theme “The North Caucasus: Journalists and Human Rights Activists under Threat.” The head of European Division of the international organization Reporters Without Borders, Johann Beer, stated that freedom of press in the... MORE

Moscow Dithers Over New Scandal and Forgets the Old Tragedy
The gathering of the marginal but officially registered Pravoe Delo (Right Cause) political party last week resulted in a massive scandal that has effectively destroyed it and resonated strongly in the liberal and business circles that normally disdain politics. This explosive effect was created not... MORE

Rebels Continue to Target Police In Several North Caucasus Hotspots
In Dagestan, the imam of the village of Kadar in the republic’s Buinaksk district was shot to death yesterday (September 15). The attack on Zainudin Daiziev took place around 10:20 p.m., local time, when two unidentified attackers shot him in his home of in the... MORE

Post-Soviet Groupings Face Security Challenges
The latest summit meeting of the major post-Soviet grouping pledged to intensify efforts to counter security challenges. However, this and other top-level gatherings of former Soviet states highlight increasing disagreements between member states on a variety of issues. The Kremlin has repeatedly prioritized a conflict-settlement... MORE