Latest Articles about The Caucasus

Tbilisi Sends Interior Troops To Prove Pankisi Is Terrorist Free

The fallout continues over the recent public statement by Richard Miles, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, about the presence of terrorist groups in Georgia's Pankisi Gorge (see EDM, September 16). On September 21, Georgian Interior Ministry forces, in cooperation with the Security Ministry, inspected the Pankisi... MORE

Ossetians Blame Ingush And Authorities For Beslan

The tragedy in Beslan left local Ossetians with the question, "Who is to blame?" After terrorists seized the school, the first reaction from Beslan's residents was to take revenge on their neighbors -- the Ingush. Official statements that the hostage-takers came from Ingushetia immediately lit... MORE

U.s. Officials Give Conflicting Assessments Of Pankisi Effort

The U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, Richard Miles, has weighed in on Russian media and official allegations that Georgia is harboring terrorists and thus is a possible target for preemptive strikes. Miles surprised the Georgian political establishment and reporters with critical remarks about the Georgian government's... MORE

Azerbaijan’s Nato Aspirations Suffer A Self-inflicted Setback

On September 13 the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, U.S. General James Jones, canceled the Cooperative Best Effort-2004 exercise, which was scheduled to be held September 14-26 in Azerbaijan and involve almost 1,000 personnel from more than 20 NATO member and partner countries. The exercise... MORE

North Ossetian President Bargaining With Kremlin And His Own People

This month's hostage crisis in Beslan, North Ossetia, and the hundreds of fatalities resulting from officials' failure to rescue the captives have produced a political standoff in the republic. Inspired by relatives of the dead hostages, opposition forces are demanding the resignation of republic president... MORE

Ex-north Ossetian Law-enforcer Describes Endemic Corruption

In his September 4 address to the nation concerning the Beslan tragedy, President Vladimir Putin cited the corrosive effect that corruption has had on the country's judicial and law-enforcement systems as one of the reasons for the wave of terrorism sweeping Russia. On September 11,... MORE

Some Post-beslan Commentary Says All Is Fair In War

In an article headlined "Silence of Political Elite Is Deafening," the Moscow Times today (September 10) notes that much of Russia's political elite has "kept painfully quiet" about the Beslan school tragedy -- a function of its fear of "antagonizing the Kremlin," as Igor Bunin,... MORE

Commentary: Illegitimate Peacekeeping — A Sphere-of-influence Tool

The existing Russian "peacekeeping" operation for Abkhazia is a legacy of the 1993 Russian military intervention in Georgia, the subsequent military advance to the Inguri River, and the ethnic cleansing of the Georgian plurality of Abkhazia's population by the Russian-backed Abkhaz minority. International organizations and... MORE