Latest Reports
Azerbaijan and the West: Strategic Partnership at Eurasia’s Crossroads
Jamestown presents a complete summary of the May 14, 2009 event entitled Azerbaijan and the West: Strategic Partnership at Eurasia's Crossroads featuring discussions by Senior Fellow Vladimir Socor, Dr. Brenda Shaffer and Daniel P. Fata. To request a free copy of either the electronic PDF... MORE
Russian LNG – The Future Geopolitical Battleground
The global natural gas industry is undergoing a historical shift away from overland pipeline deliveries of gas and gradually towards Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), shipped by seaborne tankers designed to supply distant markets which cannot otherwise be supplied by traditional pipelines.
Friends of Jamestown Program
The Jamestown Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of the Friends of Jamestown Program, an annual membership that offers complimentary copies of Jamestown books and reports, and signficant discounts on registration fees for major Jamestown events. *For further information, or to join the Friends... MORE
The Changing Face of Islamist Militancy in North Africa
The Changing Face of Islamist Militancy in North Africa contains the proceedings of a panel from Jamestown's December 2008 conference entitled "The Expanding Geography of Militant Jihad."
The Impact of the Russia-Georgia War on the South Caucasus Transportation Corridor
*Click here to view the full PDF of this report Executive SummaryThe August 2008 war in the Caucasus revealed the new strategic realities that have emerged in the Black Sea / Caspian Region in recent years. These realities have been driven by overly ambitious Russian... MORE
Gazprom’s European Web
For over a decade the proliferation of so-called “Gas Trading” companies in Europe has destabilized the EU energy market and possibly criminalized it as well. The appearance of such companies as RosUkrEnergo, the Centrex group of companies, Gazprom Germania, YugoRosGas, Eural Trans Gas, Overgas, and... MORE
The Georgia Crisis and Russia-Turkey Relations
*Click here to order a copy of this report online!* The August 2008 Russia-Georgia war has triggered some major shifts in regional geopolitics. The Caucasus crisis also directly affected the relationship between the two main regional powers – Russia and Turkey. Even before the Georgia... MORE
Who’s Who in the Azerbaijani Opposition
On October 15, Azerbaijanis will go to the polls to elect their next president. Seven candidates are running for the most prestigious and powerful position in the country. Who will become Azerbaijan’s president for the upcoming five years will depend not only on the personal... MORE
Arming for Asymmetric Warfare: Turkey’s Arms Industry in the 21st Century
Located at the strategic crossroads of Europe, Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East, Turkey still maintains a vast conscript army of over one million men, the second-largest in NATO and the largest in Europe. Major reforms to the military are underway which will reduce... MORE