Latest Reports

Changing of the Guard: Beijing Grooms Sixth-Generation Cadres for 2020s

“Changing of the Guard: Beijing Grooms Sixth-Generation Cadres for 2020s” details the major generational changes that will take place in the party-and-state leadership at the 18th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress set for October 2012. While Fifth Generation leaders like Vice-President Xi Jinping remain poised... MORE

Islamist Movements in the Horn of Africa

On December 9, 2009, the Jamestown Foundation organized a special panel on "Islamist Movements in the Horn of Africa" as part of its annual conference, the latter appropriately titled "The Changing Strategic Gravity of al-Qaeda".  This report is comprised of the proceedings from this important... MORE

Terrorism Trends in South and Southeast Asia

While the Arab Middle East is political Islam’s ideological and historical core, South Asia and Southeast Asia, concentrated in the Indonesian archipelago, make up the modern demographic core of the Muslim world. Advocates of political jihadism have been adept at exploiting pre-existing territorial and ethnic... MORE

Britain & the North West Frontier: Strategy, Tactics and Lessons

The tribal areas of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) fully deserve President Barack Obama’s description as “the most dangerous place in the world”. This remote and inhospitable region is only nominally under Pakistan's administration and its Pashtun tribesmen have a long history of opposing outside... MORE

Who’s Who in the Somali Insurgency: A Reference Guide

The ongoing struggle for control of Somalia is one of the world’s most complicated. With the country already effectively split into three parts, it may be too late to speak of a Somali nation. While the popular conception of this conflict pits al-Qaeda associated Islamists... MORE

China’s Quasi-Superpower Diplomacy: Prospects and Pitfalls

The year 2009 will go down in history as a watershed for the epochal expansion of China’s global influence. With its economy tipped to grow at 8 percent despite the world financial crisis, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is widely regarded as a prime... MORE

Beyond the Afghan Trauma: Russia’s Return to Afghanistan

Russian authorities are extremely divided about the right position to take as Moscow increasingly concerns itself with the Afghan question. They have continually criticized NATO’s decisions though, at the same time, many Russian politicians recognize that the coalition’s failure to stabilize Afghanistan would place Russia... MORE