Latest Articles about CCP

The Four Main Groups Challenging Xi Jinping
Executive Summary: Xi Jinping faces challenges to his authority from four main groups: retired party elders such as Li Ruihuan and Wen Jiabao; princelings, especially those based overseas; military leaders, such as Zhang Youxia; and parts of the middle and entrepreneurial classes who are voicing... MORE

Assessment of PLA Leaders at the End of 2024
Executive Summary: The size and scope of the Central Military Commission (CMC) has reduced dramatically since 2004, and the makeup of the military leadership is expected to change completely by the end of the decade. It is not clear what impact this turnover will have... MORE

Military Implications of PLA Aircraft Incursions in Taiwan’s Airspace 2024
Executive Summary: In 2024, the number of days and sorties involving Chinese military aircraft crossing the Taiwan Strait median line reached a peak, but the total sorties of Chinese aircraft around Taiwan and the number of peak incursion periods were not significantly higher than in... MORE

Dreams Deferred in Xi’s New Year’s Speech
Executive Summary: Xi Jinping’s New Year’s speech hinted at weaknesses in the People’s Republic of China. The speech emphasized the many hardships that people are currently facing at home while acknowledging fears about a turbulent external environment. Xi did not mention “national rejuvenation” and he... MORE

Creative Destruction: PRC Undersea Cable Technology
Executive Summary: Taiwan has suffered an annual average of 7–8 undersea cable disruptions over the past three years, most of which it attributes to vessels from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Undersea cables carry 95 percent of global internet traffic. Recent PRC research and... MORE

Viral Documentary Exposes CCP’s United Front Operations in Taiwan
Executive Summary The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s united front tactics include recruiting Taiwanese content creators and youth through cultural exchanges, financial incentives, and networking opportunities, according to a viral Taiwanese documentary released in December 2024. CCP officials target Taiwanese individuals, including those who have never... MORE

Open Source and Our Crises of National Understanding
The challenges that face the United States and our allies require greater understanding on the parts of both government and society. Democratic governance means shared responsibilities. Citizens are not subjects. Open source is the only way to share information and develop a common understanding between... MORE

Innovation Without Borders: The PRC’s Use of Offshore Bases
Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has set up a number of offshore innovation bases to acquire technologies in support of its ambitions for technological dominance and national rejuvenation. “Offshore innovation bases” in the PRC, mostly located in special high-tech development zones, collaborate... MORE

PRC Pushes Digital Doppelgänger to Support Low-Altitude Economy
Executive Summary: The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is constructing “3D Real-Scene China,” a real-time model of the physical world enabled by advanced telecoms and digital sensing technologies. The low-altitude economy, which is projected to exceed $140 billion by 2026, aligns with national strategy that... MORE

Winter is Coming: Beijing Tightens Public Security
Executive Summary: A new campaign, “Operation Winter,” has been announced to mobilize public security officials in the wake of deadly attacks across the People’s Republic of China. The operation seeks to mobilize extra human resources and integrated technology to enhance the party-state’s apparatus of “preventive... MORE