Latest Articles about Cyber

Russia Seeks to Build Alternative Internet

Numerous Russian sources report that efforts are underway to produce a new and independent internet that would align Russia more closely with the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa) while giving Russian political authorities greater control over what they refer to as... MORE

Kazakhstan Launches ‘Cyber Shield’ Concept

The government of Kazakhstan has approved an action plan, on October 28, to implement the country’s cybersecurity concept—“Cyber Shield”—by 2022 (, November 1). The document outlines key areas of state policy that will be required to build a modern yet reliable system to mitigate and... MORE

Baltic Cyber-Defense ‘Tigers’ Lock out Web Criminals

In late June 2017, for the second time in the previous two months, Europe experienced a massive wave of cyberattacks, which also spread to the United States. Initially, the attacks—from a virus known as “Petya”—targeted Ukrainian and Russian companies, but then propagated to hit vulnerable... MORE

Beijing Harnesses Big Data & AI to Perfect the Police State

Even by the standards of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the brutal treatment of China’s first Nobel Prize winner, Liu Xiaobo, has breached the norms of civilized behavior. The third day after Liu‘s death from liver cancer—which deteriorated into the terminal stage last June largely... MORE