Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Belarus Finds Itself Between a Rock and a Hard Place
The putative detachment of Belarus from Russia as well as a twin topic, the supposed annexation of Belarus by Russia, are never-ending refrains in both countries’ media. The former is predictably pursued by Russia’s media outlets, whereas the latter can generally be found by reading... MORE

Last-Minute Scandals Hit Georgia’s Upcoming Presidential Elections
On October 28, the citizens of Georgia will elect a president for the last time via a direct ballot. According to the new constitution, which will come into force immediately after the inauguration of the fifth president of the republic, the sixth and all subsequent... MORE

Putin May Try to Launch New Offensive in Ukraine and Absorb Belarus to Stop Autocephaly
The decision of Universal Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I to move toward granting autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (see EDM, September 13) is an existential threat to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and his conception of a “Russian World” (“Russkiy Mir”). For one thing, the... MORE

Failed Space Launch Illuminates Russia’s Multiplying Misfortunes
The booster malfunction in the third minute of the Soyuz MC-10 rocket launch last Thursday (October 11) avoided tragedy. Though they did not reach orbit, Cosmonaut Aleksei Ovchinin and astronaut Nick Hague landed safely on the ground (TASS, October 11). But it certainly represented another... MORE

Pro-Russian Demonstrations in Riga: The ‘Spanish Trace’ and Potential Repercussions
The Latvian Russian Union (LKS) and Headquarters for the Protection of Russian Schools (HPRS) organized a demonstration in the capital city of Riga, on September 15. The publicized goal of the event was to “prevent educational reform in Latvia, which will lead to a total... MORE

Armenia’s Revolutionary Reformist Government Faces a Crisis
The charges against former president Robert Kocharyan and his detention (see EDM, August 8) predictably boosted political tensions and further ramped up the already intensive propaganda campaign against the incumbent Armenian government led by Nikol Pashinyan. Furthermore, the court of appeals presided over by one... MORE

Belarus Asserting Its Own Voice at Home and Abroad
News that the United States is weighing the possibility of establishing a permanent military base in Poland as well as Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly have both elicited spirited debates inside Belarus, providing useful insight into how the... MORE

The Uncertain Road Ahead for Macedonia
The vast majority of voters who took part in Macedonia’s referendum on September 30 supported changing the country’s name to North Macedonia in order to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union, as outlined in the so-called Prespa Agreement, signed between... MORE

Russia’s Demographic Decline Accelerates, Increasingly Because of Moscow’s Own Policies
The population of the Russian Federation is falling by 700 people a day, or more than a quarter of a million a year (, September 23). The decline stems from a combination of rising death rates, changes in the age structure of the population (resulting... MORE

Ukrainian Government Tries to Expel Foreign Volunteer Fighters
Recent tensions between local members of volunteer battalions and the police threaten to spark another wave of protests in Ukraine on the fifth anniversary of the EuroMaidan revolution. In mid-September, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine extradited to Russia Timur Tumgoev, a 31-year-old Ingush man... MORE