Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Turkey’s Local Elections Forces Reconsideration of Domestic and Foreign Policies
The mixed results of the Turkish local elections on March 29 raised questions over the future direction of the governing Justice and Development Party's (AKP) policies (EDM, March 31). The government is unlikely to call a snap election, but the relative decline in the AKP's... MORE

Armenian Government, Opposition Set For Another Election Showdown
Armenia's leadership and main opposition forces are gearing up for a fresh showdown in the first local elections in Yerevan since the early 1990s to be held on May 31. The surprise decision by the top opposition leader, Levon Ter-Petrosian, to run for Yerevan mayor... MORE

Local Elections Herald a New Era For The AKP
Turkey's local elections on March 29 produced mixed results, with the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) emerging victorious, yet underperforming compared with earlier elections. The AKP received a 38.86 percent share of the vote, while the Republican People's Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Action... MORE

Moscow, Tiraspol Sidelining the West From Negotiations on Transnistria Conflict
The joint declaration by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin, and Transnistria leader Igor Smirnov, signed in Moscow on March 18 (EDM, March 20, 25, 26), is serving Smirnov well as a negotiation-breaker. Citing points in that declaration, Smirnov is now calling openly... MORE

Bakiyev Seeks Snap Re-election
Four years after first seizing power, Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev is seeking a snap re-election. Bakiyev was able to receive rapid support from parliament and the Constitutional Court in scheduling elections for July 23, instead of waiting until the constitutionally defined election date in October... MORE

The Strange Ties between Semion Mogilevich and Vladimir Putin
On March 23, 2009 the Moscow City Court ruled that Semion Mogilevich, also known as Sergiy Shneider, will remain in prison until May 23 while investigators continue to examine his case. (Kommersant Daily, March 24). This is the third extension of his detention the court... MORE

Lukashenka Lashes Out at Opposition
As negotiations continue between the EU and Belarus with the prospect of the latter joining the Eastern Partnership, the Belarusian opposition has formulated its own conditions for any future agreement. In turn, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has branded his opponents a "fifth column" and seeks to... MORE

Can the Far-Right and Liberal Hopefuls Challenge Ukraine’s Leaders?
Recent opinion polls and a local election on March 16 have shown that two stars are rising in Ukrainian politics. The time remaining until the January 2010 presidential election should show whether the two, far-right Oleg Tyahnybok and liberal economist Arseny Yatsenyuk, will prove viable... MORE

One Festival, Two Celebrations: Novruz Highlights Political Tensions in Turkey
Novruz, marking the arrival of spring and beginning of a new year, is being celebrated in Turkey between March 20 and 24, along with other Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries. This year's celebrations in Turkey showed that this cultural event still remains highly contested... MORE

Ergenekon Investigation Exposes Divisions Among Turkish Military Officers
As the prosecutors deepen their investigations into the Ergenekon criminal network, they have found interesting evidence that indicates two opposing camps within the Turkish military. Recently, the neo-nationalist daily Cumhuriyet's Ankara correspondent, Mustafa Balbay, was detained on accusations of being a member of Ergenekon. Balbay... MORE