Latest Articles about Economics

Mongolia’s Prime Minister Ousted for Failure to Resolve Economic Woes, Corrupt Practices
Mongolian politics were shaken on November 5, when the parliament voted to dismiss Prime Minister Norov Altankhuyag for not addressing the country’s drastically slowing economic growth, plunging foreign investment, and alleged corruption and cronyism. Altankhuyag’s administration, self-labeled the “New Government for Changes,” collapsed after serving... MORE

The Russian Arctic: Between Economic Development and Accelerating Militarization
Lately, hardly a day passes without another announcement of a new Russian military deployment in the Arctic. Yet, the Arctic’s fundamental strategic importance to Russia is economic: namely, the potential for extracting immense amounts of energy and other raw materials. Undeniably, climate change and the... MORE

Economic Warfare in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict: Crimea
Russia’s “hybrid warfare” concept embraces economic warfare as one of its key elements. Yet, less attention has been paid to the details of the economic war between Russia and Ukraine in the conflict over Crimea and parts of Donbas (eastern Ukrainian region encompassing Luhansk and... MORE

Conflict Forces Coal-Rich Ukraine to Import More Coal to Ease Shortfalls
On October 22, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk delivered the grim news to his constituents that, by the end of the year, Ukraine will be short four million tons of coal (, October 22). Pro-Russian separatists control more than half of the coal mines in... MORE

Moscow’s Empty Promises on Far East Could Undermine Government Credibility
As more people die in eastern Ukraine in the fighting between government forces and Russia-backed rebels, Moscow seems determined to pursue its internal economic goals despite the damage already caused by the West’s sanctions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, on October 19, that his... MORE

Russia Pushes Kyrgyzstan to Adopt Draconian Legislation Ahead of Joining Customs Union
On October 15, Kyrgyzstani lawmakers in the Jogorku Kenesh (Kyrgyzstan’s parliament) voted on an “anti–gay propaganda” bill to criminalize and impose up to year-long prison sentences for distributing information about homosexuality or LGBT issues that is reflected in a positive light. The bill was overwhelmingly... MORE

China’s Railway Diplomacy in the Balkans
In November 2013, China, Serbia and Hungary signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the construction of the Hungaro-Serbian High-Speed Railway (HSR), connecting Belgrade and Budapest by rail to facilitate transporting Chinese exports from Greek ports to European markets. First proposed by Beijing in February... MORE

Putin Steals the Asia-Europe Show—and Brings Big Disappointment
The most recent Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit attracted a sizeable crowd of world leaders to Milan last week (October 16–17), but the formal agenda was overtaken by the efforts to manage the violent conflict between Russia and Ukraine and facilitate dialogue between presidents Vladimir Putin... MORE

Defending Uzbekistan’s Sovereignty in Face of the Ukraine Crisis—A Net Assessment of Developments in Uzbekistan Since the Start of 2014
The involvement of Russia in the current turbulent situation in southeastern Ukraine most likely did not surprise Uzbekistan’s government, as it saw the parallels with the wars in Georgia in 2008 and in Transnistria in 1990. For President Islam Karimov, the situation in Ukraine most... MORE

Macroeconomic Problems Overshadow Foreign Policy Agenda—A Net Assessment of the Situation in Kazakhstan Since the Start of 2014
The past nine and a half months of 2014 have been dominated in Kazakhstan by the worsening macroeconomic situation, which has prompted the government to move forward with some unpopular measures while embarking on a set of far-reaching reforms. In February, the National Bank of... MORE