Latest Articles about Economics
Filling of China’s Strategic Oil Reserves Apparently Delayed
According to unidentified officials from Chinese oil majors, China's remaining two of four strategic oil reserve bases will begin to be filled with oil sometime within the next year. One based in Huangdao, Shandong province will start to be filled by the end of 2007,... MORE

Filling of China’s Strategic Oil Reserves Apparently Delayed
According to unidentified officials from Chinese oil majors, China's remaining two of four strategic oil reserve bases will begin to be filled with oil sometime within the next year. One based in Huangdao, Shandong province will start to be filled by the end of 2007,... MORE
After the SED: Evaluating the U.S.-China Economic Relationship
Last month’s Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) meeting between a cluster of Chinese cabinet ministers and their U.S. counterparts intensified the spotlight that has shone upon the bilateral economic relationship for the last several years. In the aftermath, the U.S. contingent presented a few trophy deliverables... MORE

After the SED: Evaluating the U.S.-China Economic Relationship
Last month’s Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) meeting between a cluster of Chinese cabinet ministers and their U.S. counterparts intensified the spotlight that has shone upon the bilateral economic relationship for the last several years. In the aftermath, the U.S. contingent presented a few trophy deliverables... MORE
The Final Stages of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law
After more than 10 years of drafting and review, on June 24, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (NPC) began its first “reading” of a draft Anti-Monopoly Law (AML). Earlier in the month, on June 7, the... MORE
The Final Stages of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law
After more than 10 years of drafting and review, on June 24, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (NPC) began its first “reading” of a draft Anti-Monopoly Law (AML). Earlier in the month, on June 7, the... MORE
Balancing Interests: The Economics of Tobacco Control in China
With over 350 million smokers, China accounted for more than one-fourth of the world's annual tobacco consumption in 2002 [1]. In addition, these smokers affected an additional 460 million second-hand (passive) smokers, most of whom are women and children [2]. In other words, nearly two-thirds... MORE
Balancing Interests: The Economics of Tobacco Control in China
With over 350 million smokers, China accounted for more than one-fourth of the world's annual tobacco consumption in 2002 [1]. In addition, these smokers affected an additional 460 million second-hand (passive) smokers, most of whom are women and children [2]. In other words, nearly two-thirds... MORE
Taiwan’s Economy: Missing a Needed “Link” to China and the World
A maxim of globalization holds that all economics are global, all politics local. From the vantage point of early autumn 2006, this formula captures both the persistence of ongoing cross-Strait economic activity as well as the current stasis of political relations between Beijing and Taipei.... MORE
Taiwan’s Economy: Missing a Needed “Link” to China and the World
A maxim of globalization holds that all economics are global, all politics local. From the vantage point of early autumn 2006, this formula captures both the persistence of ongoing cross-Strait economic activity as well as the current stasis of political relations between Beijing and Taipei.... MORE