Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

Kyiv and Budapest Approaching a Dangerous Crossroad

An intense dispute between Hungary and Ukraine sparked by the notorious “language question” and fate of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine (see EDM, July 17) has now received powerful new impetus, threatening to seriously degrade diplomatic relations between the two countries (, July 2). The... MORE

The Uncertain Road Ahead for Macedonia

The vast majority of voters who took part in Macedonia’s referendum on September 30 supported changing the country’s name to North Macedonia in order to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union, as outlined in the so-called Prespa Agreement, signed between... MORE

The Agreements That Ended the Cold War Are Disintegrating

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) was probably the Alliance’s most important and secretive institution during the Cold War. Notably, it worked out NATO members’ joint strategy and tactics for using non-strategic nuclear weapons in a possible all-European war with the... MORE

Belarus Navigates Rough Waters

One of the dangers of traveling in a small ship is the possibility of forceful swaying in rough waters. Belarus is a small ship, and it is supersensitive to the weather around it. From the west, the weather appears rather calm, as the international legitimacy... MORE

Putin’s Trip to Azerbaijan: Manipulating the Caucasus Triangle

While crises in the Middle East, Ukraine and East Asia occupy much of the world’s headlines, interesting and significant dynamics have been driving events in the Caucasus in recent months. Clearly, Armenia’s “Velvet Revolution” of May 2018 has shaken up the political landscape across the... MORE

US and NATO Send Reassuring Messages to Georgia

A few weeks before Georgia’s presidential elections, scheduled for October 28, the authorities in Tbilisi are trying to demonstrate their unwavering support for closer links with the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). At the same time, Tbilisi has been receiving positive... MORE

Russian Ties With Israel Under Strain

Several Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) F-16 jets bombed and destroyed an industrial warehouse in the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, on September 17. According to Israeli sources, the warehouse contained Iranian military equipment earmarked for the militant group Hezbollah. The Russian airbase of Hmeymim is... MORE