Latest Articles about Information Technology and Telecommunications

TikTok: An Expanding Front in Cognitive Warfare

Executive Summary: PRC cognitive warfare strategies now include the cultivation of internet influencers who disseminate rumors and on platforms like YouTube designed to undermine Taiwan’s democratic institutions. TikTok has become a significant tool in shaping public opinion, exploiting its algorithmic power to spread narratives favourable... MORE

Russia Combats Internet Freedom

Executive Summary: The conflict in Ukraine has prompted Russia to intensify its efforts to restrict internet freedom, leading to unprecedented measures against uncensored information and internet encryption. In response to censorship, Russian users have turned to VPN technology for accessing uncensored news. Russian officials are... MORE

Brain-Computer Interfaces: Medical Miracles and Innovation Policy

Decades of strategic investment in science at the central and local levels have manifested in significant advances in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs, 脑机接口) (Xinhua, November 15, 2023). This nascent technology is an increasingly important part of China’s ambitions to become a science and technology superpower. A... MORE

China’s “Important Data” Regime Challenges Global Norms

China has recently launched a series of provincial “data security escort” special action campaigns (数安护航”专项行动) to speed implementation of a new regulatory regime that focuses on the identification and protection of a specific subset of data known as “important data” (重要数据) (GDCENN, October 26; Anquan... MORE