Latest Articles about Military/Security
Russia Tests Network-Centric Air Operations in Syria
Russia’s air operations in Syria intensified as the campaign moved from its initial phase to also providing close air support (CAS) for Syrian and other ground forces. Aerospace Forces (Vozdushno Kosmicheskikh Sil—VKS) assets deployed at the airbase in Latakia increased their daily number of sorties... MORE
Russia’s Syrian Intervention and the Implications for Turkey
Russia’s military intervention in Syria, which on several occasions violated Turkish airspace during airstrikes allegedly targeting the Islamic State (IS), has inflamed tensions between Moscow and Ankara. The main controversy stems from Turkey’s claim that Russia is not only targeting the IS but also moderate... MORE
Like Russia, Chechnya Is Being Increasingly Drawn Into Syrian Conflict
Russia officially declared its intentions to intervene in the Syrian civil war only in September, but Moscow has been backing President Bashar al-Assad’s regime since the start of the conflict. Perhaps the most interesting part of Russia’s campaign in Syria is the current question of... MORE
With Quickly Growing Russian Involvement, the Decisive Ground Offensive in Syria Begins
The Russian state-controlled propaganda machine has been working around the clock to promote the success of Russia’s aerial bombing campaign in Syria, which began on September 30, to a reluctant domestic public. According to the independent pollster Levada-Tsenter, the propaganda has been effective: Over 70... MORE
Minsk Breaks Silence on Russian Airbase Issue
As the presidential campaign in Belarus nears its end, the initially marginal issue of a prospective Russian airbase on Belarusian territory has grown ever louder (see EDM, September 23). On October 4, members of the Belarusian opposition held an unsanctioned rally, in the center of... MORE
Lack of Roads in Russian Far East Limits Moscow’s Power Projection in Pacific
The absence of roads and railways connecting the strategically positioned Kamchatka peninsula, in the Russian Far East, with the rest of the country is undermining Russian national security and reducing Moscow’s ability to project power into the Pacific region, according to Dmitry Verkhoturov. Building either... MORE
Russia Initiates ‘Out-of-Area Operation’ In Syria
As Russia’s military build-up in Syria moved forward, President Vladimir Putin addressed the 70th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly and held bilateral talks with President Barack Obama. On September 30, Putin received authority from the Russian Federation Council to send his forces into... MORE
Russia Forges Ahead With New Southern Rail Bypass of Ukraine
On September 21, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree to construct a railway line allowing trains in southern Russian to bypass Ukrainian territory. The new 75-mile double-track electrified railway will replace the existing one, 16 miles of which traverses Ukraine’s war-torn Luhansk region.... MORE
Putin Swings From Ukrainian Deadlock to Syrian Quagmire
The Russian air campaign in Syria has captured so much international attention that this past Friday’s (October 2) difficult summit in Paris, involving French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin, made nearly no headlines. The... MORE
Chinese Rocket Launches Point to Robust, Expanding Capabilities
In late September, China conducted the first launch of two new types of rocket, the Long March 6, and the Long March 11 (China Military Online, September 20; People’s Daily Overseas Edition, September 26). While much of the media attention in September focused on the... MORE